I'll Protect You pt. 2

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After two weeks had passed, you had grown used to your Father visiting the Winchesters almost every day. Even if it was tiresome that he tugged you along on his trips down to Earth.

The only time you had been on Earth, was when the demons stole you away from your mother, before poisoning her in the process. You never got to say goodbye to her, and that, along with the flashbacks of torture kept you from sleeping properly. Even if your Father put you to sleep with a gentle touch to your forehead, he couldn't always control the plague of nightmares that followed your eyes closing.

Still, you acted like nothing was wrong, keeping a brave face for Castiel and his humans.

"Hey, how you doing Songbird?" Dean called from the kitchen.

Your Dad and Sam had decided to find out about a mysterious case the boys were looking into for a friend, so they had taken off, leaving Dean to babysit you. You rested at one of the wooden tables, a book on Enchoian in your hand, internally groaning at Dean's nickname for you.

Castiel had placed you in the hands of the Winchesters while he ran some errands for Heaven, so you had turned on the radio, brooding in your makeshift nest in one of the spare rooms. The boys knew to keep their distance, not having forgotten about the first incident, when they first met. You had stolen many sheets, towels and blankets from around the Bunker, weaving them together to make your temporary nest.

It didn't smell like your Dad, but you had a single black feather in your pocket that you had snuck from home, clutching it in your hands while you rested.

When a song played on the radio, you felt yourself purring, it being the same lullaby your mother sang to you each night before going to bed.

You could still hear her soft voice drifting into your ears, calming but painful as saddening memories surfaced. You began to sing along to it, your voice not being able to replicate the silky tone of your deceased parent.

While singing, Dean was walking past the room, searching for Sam, when he heard you singing. Caught by suprise, he slowly opened the door, seeing you in your nest, eyes closed, a black feather in your palms as the radio played Carry On My Wayward Son.

Dean stood in the doorway, watching your tiny frame tremble as the song ended, him beginning to applaud you.

You quickly turned around, tears streaming down your face as you glared at the human in your room.

Dean's face instantly showed regret as he stopped clapping.

"Did I scare you, little Songbird?" He asked, rushing to your aid, dropling to his knees.

You contuined to cry as he scooped you into his arms, silently holding you as sobs racked your body. He drew random patterns on your back, trying to calm your trembling body down.

After that incident, he contuined to call you Songbird, even if you hated him comparing you to a bird. Neither you or Dean had told anyone about that moment, it becoming an unspoken bonding moment for the both of you.

"How many times do I have to tell you, monkey, my name is (y/n)." You retorted, his head poking out from the kitchen.

"I'm not a monkey, I'm a human." Dean stated, emerging from the kitchen with a plate.

"And I'm not a bird." You snorted, eyeing the weird thing on his plate.

Dean sat down across from you, catching you staring at his food.

"You wanna bite?" He mumbled, bits of an orange substance streaming down his chin.

"No. What is it?" You replied, setting your book down, climbing across the table to get closer to the foreign thing.

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