Gut-Wrenching (Dying!Castiel X Vampire!Reader)

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He was content. Knowing where he lay.

Screams echoed around him, Dean's face, Sam's face. Why are they so sad?

Dean's husky voice was muffled by the ringing in his ears, firm hand pressed onto his abdomen.

"CAS! CAS! You son of a bitch!" Dean's cries pierced through the ringing, "(Y/n)!"

Castiel's head turned. Oh. Right.

His eyes focused on you, his blood covering your hands and mouth, your sharp, vicious fangs marring your once pretty smile.

"(Y/n)! Snap out of it!" Sam had a machete in one hand, it glistened with blood.

Not yours though.

You looked around at your captors' beheaded bodies strewn around you.


Your thoughts where hazy, your inner voice clawing at the vampire blood that held you captured. You were angry, no. Furious.

Your wrists were burning, the rope burns on your skin biting at your flesh, but nothing compared to the ravenous hunger in your belly.

The voice inside screamed, "HELP HIM! HELP CASTIEL!!"

The tiny chicken was easy to slaughter, he came running to your side, helping you from your bonds as Dean and Sam dispatched the others... your family.

He untightened your ropes just enough, before Sam caught the blood on your cheek, calling to Cas.

But your hand was already plunged into his stomach. You twisted, Castiel's vision going white as his body refused to register what was happening, your hand squelching and tearing through his organs.

Dean pulled him back, his shaggy brother leaping on you.

Sam now stared you down, confused. How did you become this? (Y/n) (L/n), the pure definition of an angel by a Hunter's standards. You always searched for a cure, a way to save everyone. From the tiniest were-baby, to the King of Hell himself. And now, you had just plunged your hand into your boyfriend, your friend, and most of all, your family.

You howled, an inhumane sound that crackled inside of Dean and Sam, their blood icing for a second. You lunged at Sam, a pillow stopping you. The pillows strong arms wrapped around your body. Fighting back, you clawed, bit, scratched at this lovely warm pillow, as it holds up firmly against your attacks.

"Shhh... sweetheart..." your rage softened, the anger, bloodlust, and hate draining from your body.

"Cas! Stop!" Sam tried to rip you from his arms, Castiel using the last bit of his Grace to heal you.

Castiel's strength waned, his body crashing to the ground, your eyes wide.

Dean held you back, you reaching towards him, your Castiel. You need him. You need to help him!

Castiel looks up at you, his side smirk etching onto his face, his eyes fading.

You howl. It doesn't chill the Winchesters this time. It scares them.

The gut-wrenching howl coming from your lips can't stop the flooded feelings drowning you right now. Your lungs burn for air, but you continue to scream, your eyes unable to tear away from those now lifeless blue orbs.

You did this. You killed him. You killed your love.

You burned those eyes into your brain. Your every waking moment was to be filled with them.

Tears burned at your eyes, but they never came, your brain overwhelmed with the memories you shared.

Castiel held your hand. Yours were rough, but his has a softer roughness to them. They fit together perfectly, as if it was made to intertwine forever. Sunlight danced on his cheeks, accentuating the soft features of his face, but still shadowing the harsher tones of his jawline. His stubble was already coming back in, even though you had carefully helped him shave that morning.

"(Y/n)." His soft, yet husky voice drew you from your admiring," See something you like?"

You don't ever think your face burned any brighter, your hand tightening in his.

"No." His face twisted in pain as you smirked, "I see something I love."

It was Castiel's turn to flush, his cheeks lightly dusted with a coral peach color. It was enough to send you into a fit of giggles, Castiel beaming widely.

Castiel's hand was firm yet gentle as he cupped your face, leaning in to press his lips on yours. He hesitated for a slight second, his hot breath on your lips making your stomach float, your head swimming with his intoxicating honey scent. He was afraid, afraid of getting close, what if he lost you?

You were the one to close the gap, sparks flying as you felt a brush of silky feathers against your exposed arms. You both melted into each other, feeling as if the world had disappeared, consumed by bliss.

Dean was talking... you think. Your mind was elsewhere, your eyes still glued to his body.

How where you ever going to forgive yourself?

A/N: Welcome back guys! I am not really gonna go into detail here, you can find my post about my absence on my profile, but I am struggling with some neurological issues and that is why I have been gone. I am struggling to relearn how to write again and how to get past this little hiccup in the road. I am on the road to getting better, but don't expect a lot from me right now. 

Thank you guys! I hope you enjoyed it! I swear it will get better and longer with time, I promise.

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