I Gave You My Heart (Castiel/Angel!Reader)

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Hello guys, and since it's Valentine's day, and I have nothing else to be doing, I'll use my loneliness to make a couple of Valentine's day Oneshots for you! I'll update this book with two Valentine themed fanfictions. So enjoy!

Castiel/Angel!Reader fanfiction

Many years ago...

"Cassie!" A little (h/c) angel screamed, running towards another tiny angel.

Castiel turned around, only to get knocked over by (y/n), who was very eager to see him.

"(Y/n), you know we can't play now, we need to train!" He sighed, pushing the angel off of him.

(Y/n) pouted, her (f/c) wings dropping low in disappointment. She turned to walk away, but Castiel grabbed a hold of her shoulder. She spun back around, and was met by Castiel's loopy grin.

"Maybe, you can train with me?" He suggested, fiddling with a onyx feather from his wing.

(yUn) latched onto Castiel in a bear hug, and Castiel returned it, gently squeezing her back.

"Okay!" (Y/n) said, releasing Castiel, "What do we do first?"

Flashfoward countless years

"Cassie!" (Y/n) screamed, watching him take off into the night.

Why was he leaving her? Did she do something wrong?

"Please...don't....go.." she begged, dropping to her knees.

"I have too, we have to save the Winchester from Hell." Castiel said, looking back at her.

(Y/n) sat down on a cloud, eyes red with tears and loneliness. Castiel couldn't leave her like that, but he had too.

"Castiel, please...you'll die!" She screamed.

"I must." He whispered, before returning to the sky with the other thousands of battle ready angels.

"I love you!" (Y/n) screamed, watching Castiel leave.

Castiel didn't even stop, he shrugged off her words and flew to join the flock to Hell.

Four years later

You just remember the screaming, then hitting the hard Earth. Laying face-down in the dirt, you flip over, eyes turned to the sky.

In horror, you witnessed the fall of your brothers and sisters, as they plummeted to the ground. Thousands of screams echoed in your mind, as the ones above felt every feather being burned from their flesh.

Some of the wails cut short, as they died from the excruciating pain. You clutched the sides of your head, tears of sorrow and loss squeezing themselves from your (e/c) eyes.

As soon as the lights faded from the sky, you spread your wings out. They were fully intact. You were fully confused, you had been up in Heaven, but then suddenly you were on Earth. You didn't fall, nor did you fly down. Shouldn't your wings be gone, but you didn't fall like the rest of them?

You had more questions than answers. One thing you knew though, you had to find Castiel.

You spent the next few weeks scouring the planet, trying to find Castiel. You hadn't seen him since the day Dean Winchester was rescued from Hell, but you knew he hadn't perished like the thousands of others. He had been the one to save Dean, to pull his mangled soul out of the Pit.

You had finaly found his location, but the news of his state, how he was holding up, was worst than what the rumors had stated.

Your walk into the gas station, seeing Castiel cleaning off the counter. Not trying to look suspicious, you start to browse through the magazines. You grab one, it talks about the famous meteor shower. You laugh, taking it up to Castiel, and lay it on the counter. He looks up at you, recognition passing over his face.

"(Y/n)?" He gasps, eyes widening.

"No." You lie, watching two angels walk through the door.

No only was there a bounty on Castiel's head, but yours also. The angels thought you had something to do with the fall. Of course, you had no connection to it, but you were the only angel who still had fully intact wings.

Castiel's face fell, and he rung up the magazine, solemnly handing it to you. You feel a hand on your shoulder, and your angel blade slips from your sleeve.

"Excuse me ma'am, we need to talk to the checker."

You turn around, comming face-to-face with a burly angel.

"I was talking to him, you need to wait your turn sir." You state, removing his hand from your shoulder.

"Ma'am, I don't want to hurt you, just move." The other one said, crystal eyes boring into you.

You turn around, facing Castiel. The man goes to flip you around and you wink at Castiel. He pulls you around, but you slam your angel blade into his stomach, his eyes flashing bright blue. The other one had no time to react as you slid the blade from the guy and into the next one. You pull out, turning to Castiel, who stared at you opened-mouthed.

"Sorry for the mess, Cassie. They were being rude." You say, wiping your bloodied angel blade on the rag Castiel was using earlier.

He just stared at you. Police sirens blared in the distance, and you grabbed his wrist.

"Hey, where do you live?" You ask, but he replies with a shake of his head.

You remember the location of the Winchester bunker, and in a split second, you had flown you both outside of it. Castiel fell on his rump when you landed, shock still evident on his face.

"So, sorry for my lying back there, Cassie. Those guys were after you and me, so they would have killed us on the spot. " You say, helping him to his feet.

"(Y/n), is is really you?" Castiel asked, searching your face.

"They one and only!" You smirk, before being caught in a bone-crushing hug from Castiel.

"There is so much I need to catch you up on! What has it been, four years?" He released you, then rubbed the nape of his neck, his gruff voice sounding tired.

The sun started to set behind the bunker, and you sat in silence as he rambled on. You felt his hand on your shoulder, as he walked up beside you.

"Hey, you okay?" He asked, with worry-filled eyes.

"No. I'm not. I keep on thinking back on the last time I saw you. I revealed a secret to you, but you brushed me off like a bothersome fly." You said, masking your emotions.

Castiel pulled you around, making you face him. He peered into your eyes, his lips inches from yours. You pulled him close, pressing your lips to his.

When you pulled away, he smiled.

"I gave you my heart on Valentine's day." He said, pulling you in for another kiss.

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