Chapter 28: Blessing

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Last Time~!

When we got to the DWMA he continued to carry me, "You enjoying yourself?" Kaido teased. Kid replies in an instant, "Very much." Kaido only giggles in response. Entering the school, Kid picks up his skateboard to made it disappear. So now that the two have entered, they saw Professor Stein passing, giving Kid and Kaido the knowing look, "I see Kid, finally asked. Good luck telling Death." Stein laughed. "We'll be fine." Kid deadpanned. On the way towards the office, Kid carries Kaido down the hall once more. Once the two reached their destination, Death's room, Kids places Kaido down. Kaido grabbed Kid's hand, a smile on her face. "Are you ready?" She questions. "Of course, always and anything for you."

Now~! Kid's POV~!

I opened the door, leading my beloved into the room first. "Why, thank you kind sir!" Kaido smiles, feigning an English accent. "Why, of course! Anything for a pretty lady!" I bow to add dramatics. "Ahem!" My father interrupts. "Oh father, my apologies." I remain holding Kaido's hand. I'm sure father has noticed. "I have come to tell you something important." I wait for father's response. "Ah~! What's the news~?" Father claps once. "Kaido and I are currently a couple!" As I spoke Kaido's smile only widened.

"I was wondering if it would be alright with you." Kaido chimes in, "I really like, no, love Kid." The statement causes the two of us to blush. "There is no one I'd rather be with father." I kiss Kaido's hand. "I can't see myself with anyone else." Locking my eyes with Kaido's I immediately got lost in them. "I see..." Father's voice dark and malicious. His real voice surfaced, a look of seriousness on his face. Before I could plead to stay with Kaido, "Of course I give you my blessing~! I shipped it for a long time~!" Father fanboys.

Kaido share a glance, we facepalm in unison. "Thank you, Lord Death." Kaido bows respectfully. "Ah, don't thank me! Kid's been the one to put you together~!" Giving a thumbs up as he spoke. Sparks floating around him. "Wait, father how did-" I stop myself mid sentence, "You were watching us the whole time!" I was angry, mostly embarrassed, yet angry nonetheless. Kaido's face erupted into a beautiful rosey red.

"He was watching?" Kaido muttered, burying her red face into her hands. "Of course~! I must watch over my son~!" Father was rambling on about subjects, completely irrelevant. "Goodbye, father..." I grabbed Kaido's hand. Exiting the room before father noticed us missing.

Sometimes my father was an idiot....

I've decided that this will be the last chapter. So here's an extended ending! 

Kaido and Kid laid together on their king sized bed. In the middle was two small bundles. Twins, born to be opposite of each other, not by personality. Yet, by their lives. One will be left handed while the other will be right. The twins were exactly mirrored from each other. Both weapon boys, with characteristics of both Kid, Kaido and their grandfather, Lord Death. At this moment, they held each other's hands while holding their children and sleeping peacefully.

For these two, life could not get any better. Just wait till Kid finds out his wife is pregnant with the twins mister!

The End!   

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