Chapter 10: The Special Class

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Zack's POV

"What if I was to actually do something I think you'd be okay." I stated with a smirk. But Zayla-Marie is telling me again that when I do something everything gets messed up. Like I always say "It's not my fault that I don't do my best to help. Oh yeah Kai-Lee Lunch is over." Kai-Lee got up and went to the field with everyone. "Guy's you know Spirit or Death Scythe is gonna be teaching us? Hahaha he's a pervert you know. Hahaha"  Jenny, Mavis, and Kaido then surrounded me and beat me with a shoe. "What the hell?!?!?" Then the opposites pulled them away. "We are late!!!!!!" said Zayla-Marie "Yeah by a minute." I sighed "Morgan just hurry up and grab your shoe." Kaido said "Why is it always my things getting taken away from me? By force too?" Morgan replied. We all saw Spirit standing around. "Come on." said Mavis.

Spirit's POV

"You're all late. You were late by 4 minutes on top of that." I hope my Maka will love me for doing this for them. "Oh well. I guess we can start now." rudely stated Jenny. "Alright then I want you all to transform into 1." I commanded "We can't even do 2 into 1 weapon." said Kaido. My Maka will see me teach her friends and be impressed. "Okay then connect your souls and accept each others differences." I said irritated. "But, we are all aware of each other's differences. Besides we don't understand how to transform not understanding each other." said Zack. That kid is such a wise ass. "Okay then why don't you just reach your soul and let it guide you." He then replies back "I was just joking. Hahaha what a dumbass. HAHAHA" Then Kaido grabbed his shirt and put her head on his.

Zack's POV

"I was just joking. Hahaha what a dumbass. HAHAHA" Then Kaido grabbed my shirt from the front and put her head on mine. I felt all her anger and then I disappeared. I can see her thoughts. Oh crap she's pissed with me. She just told me "I can feel you and read your thoughts too you know." It's crazy you're not actually talking to me. "Shut up." Okay then.

Kaido's POV

"Okay Spirit 1 down 2 more to go." I walked to Mavis then she disappeared as well then Jenny. "Alright that's my half your turn Kai-Lee." She smiled and went to Janei to Morgan to Zayla-Marie. They all disappeared. So then Kai-Lee and I held hands and I transformed into a weapon more powerful than Spirit. We were all weapons that could transform into any weapon we wanted. THAT"S SO AWESOME!!!!! "I know right!!!" said Zack, Mavis and Jenny. "To bad we can not talk to the other guys." said Jenny "We can just do the special move." I said "SOUL RESIDENCE!!!" Then next thing you know we hit the floor and we are now 8 in 1 HAHAHA. "Okay you all past the test so fast. Alright then you are dismissed to go on your own class now." Spirit stated. "Okay guys let's try and go to class as 1 person now." I said "Okay Kaido." Said Kai-Lee "Okay so we all transform ready... now." I yelled. We all transformed and we are now just me. Okay now to class. As we walked I noticed everyone was in class. So I went into the Crescent Moon class. Stein asked us or me "So how was your private session?" We all replied "Very well. I also got something to tell you in private." So Stein and I walked outside and told him "My siblings and I are literally 1. And to prove it I'll just change to maybe Morgan." We changed to Morgan then back to me.

Kid's POV

Why did Stein and Kaido go outside? It's just very strange how she just skipped class then comes to talk to him a hour and half late. We still got 20 minutes left. Things have been going weird ever since Kaido's siblings had came. I already have a bad feeling about them. Kaido's been changing lately. Maybe the Kaido I knew wasn't really her actual self. Or i'm just imaging it. I haven't been able to do anything right lately ether. What's wrong with me? I can't sleep, I can't even stop thinking about how Kaido have been changing. Am I getting feelings for her?....... That's just CRAZY!!!!! I can't do that. I just meet her 1 month ago. I'm crazy. I'm trash filthy garbage, I deserve to die!!!!!!!!! I'm not fit to be a reaper.

After Kid's Normal Breakdown and Class

Kid's POV

"How have you guys been lately?" I asked "Oh we have been fine. I... Uh I gotta go.... I have to do something.... Bye" Kaido stuttered Why did she just run off like that? Well "Liz, Patty time to go home."

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