Chapter 11: Kaido's Big Secret

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Kai-Lee's POV

"Kaido don't you know that you can't hide it forever." I told her as she ran "Yeah yeah I know, I just can't let anyone else know but you guys." she replied "And besides I'll be there tomorrow anyway." She continued "Kaido we are all here to help you. You should at least tell your friends." Said Janei "Don't worry I will, It's just I will wait till it comes to us." Kaido said "I bet you they are gonna trip out." "SHUT UP ZACK!!!!!!!" She yelled. "Guys please stop fighting each other please." Said Morgan "Fine." said Zack and Kaido. But Zack is right, they will be shocked. I don't want anyone to get away from her either. Then she will be lonely, the one with no friends. Only siblings to comfort her. "I suggest you just tell them... About us all." I said hesitantly. "I don't know if I should... You know I got more than one secret. I have two... Would they get mad?"

Kaido's POV

As we got home I finally got to do my stupid homework, chores, and then I decided to hangout with My awesome family. I have to tell everyone that I have.... a ... a... a even as I think I can't even say it. A boyfriend. I bet they would be mad, I should also tell my friends too. "Hey... Uh I got something to tell you guys..." They stared at me "Go on" I felt so nervous my eyes must be peach. " Well you see I uh... I GOT A BOYFRIEND!!!!!!" I started to run because Zack, Mavis, and Jenny started to chase me, with their eyes red as blood!!! "AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!! LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!!!" I turned my arm into a knife and stabbed my brother's hand. "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!" I stood and said "Come closer I will cut your face!!!" So they backed off and we came back inside. Kai-lee, Janei Morgan and Zayla-Marie helped him put on a wrap for his hand. "Anyway his name is..." Mavis cut in "Kid.. Yeah yeah we know." I got so mad at her I stabbed her hand and said "NO!!! Ayumu you ass!!! What makes you think I like KID!?!? HUH!!!!" I ran to my room and locked them out and went straight to bed. I'll bathe in the morning.

Mavis's POV


The Next Day...

Kaido's POV

I left the house an hour early and went straight to school. I didn't want to see my family. So I went to visit Crona. "Hey Sid may I visit Crona for half an hour?" Sid stared at me "Alright." We walked down the stairs and I noticed someone by Crona's room. "Hey Kaido." Kid said "Oh hey what you doing here by yourself?" I asked He smiled at me "May I ask you the same?" I laughed "Well you see I came to visit Crona and tell her something." He chuckled "You took the words out of my mouth." Sid opened the door and I sat by Crona. "Hey Crona how are you?" She looked at me with a slight smile. "H..Hi Kaido... I'm d-doing g-g-g-g-good." I smiled "Hello Kaido nice to actually see you." Kid said very politely. So after talking to Crona it's been 30 minutes, so Kid and I had to leave.

Kid's POV

"So how have you been?" Kaido asked "I've been good, but Lou and Pat thinks you're a trader for leaving them" She looked down at her feet "You see I told them before and they replied too. So I guess they weren't paying attention. Anyway I got something I want to tell everyone. So we will meet at the basketball court okay." She spoke. I wonder what's on her mind.

After Class

Okay so now to the basketball court. I told everyone about what Kaido wanted. We all got there. Kaido said she waited for 15 minutes. She smiled "Okay I have a surprise to tell you. It's a secret I have and I trust you all to keep it as well. Okay here it is I have a boyfriend come here to visit me tomorrow. I would appreciate it if you guys would be nice to him. He is very kind. His name is Ayumu." SHE HAS A BOYFRIEND!?!?!?!?!

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