Chapter 25: I Finally Got To

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Kid’s POV
I was the first to wake up, quite happy that I was finally able to do something. I looked at Kaido and I blushed, I didn’t realize she was using me as a pillow!! Oh god! She looks so adorable… What am I saying she just went through a lot and I’m already thinking these things! I realized I was also blushing, a lot. Then I remembered she had no shirt on, but a bed sheet made me blush more than imaginable. Her skins so very soft… Oh no she’s waking up!!! “H-hey uh Kaido…” I said awkwardly. She looked up at me then her face went red, “I’m so sorry Kid! I just uh didn’t mean to do that!” She screeched. “Shh!! You’ll wake the others.” I shushed her. She mouth the words sorry. Yesterday was fun, but the fact Ragnarok did that dare. I can’t get over the fact she wears lacy bras. Oh no, I’m bleeding again! “Um I’ll be right back, have to brush my teeth.” I said a little rushed. My face more red. 

She looked at me strangely then smile “I’ll come with you, if you don’t mind.” She asked. I couldn’t tell her no so I nodded. I told her to use the bathroom on the left while I on the right. It’s to clean the blood without her worrying. If she got worried than what should I do? I’ll only make a fool out of myself, all over again. I brushed my teeth afterwards. I got out the same time as Kaido. I smiled at her while she just smiled back at me. “So you wanna do something while we wait for the others to wake up?” I asked blushing slightly. “Sure, what do you have in mind?” She asked sweetly. “Um maybe we could go to a cafe for coffee?” I asked. She smiled a grin. “You mean like on a date?” She asked teasingly. “Well that’s really up to you if you want it as a d-date…” I blushed more, but I avoided eye contact and I just watched with the corner of my eyes. “Kid, I would love to join you on a date. You’re my friend why wouldn’t I?” She asked. That stung me a lot… She called me her friend, a friend.

So we made a note and left to the cafe. She grabbed my hand and rushed there. My face went pink, as she then told me to hurry before the others awake. We entered the cafe and she giggled when she saw that I almost fell. “Sorry Kid, I didn’t think you’d have trouble catching up to me.” She laughed. Her laugh was adorable. Why can’t you see me as something more than a friend? “I’d like to have a caramel frap, and Kid what is it you wanted… Oh right a mocha frap.” She ordered which snapped me out of my thoughts. “How did you know I like mocha?” I asked. “Well isn’t it obvious? You’re a closest friend… No wait best friend and that’s how it is. You silly little thing!” She giggled. That stung much more the more she spoke more ‘friendship’ words. “Hey um Kaido, you think of me as a best friend right? Why is that?” I asked. “Hmm well you see you tend to know so much about me. I pretty have more in common with you than anyone else. I just really care for you, you know?” She replied sheepishly with a blush. I blushed when she said ‘care for you’. “Uh what if I theoretically speaking liked you in like a couple?” I asked hopefully.

She stared at me for quite a while. I started to think she was going to reject my theoretical question. I started having doubts in our supposedly to become relationship. She laughed, to the point she almost fell off the chair. My heart shattered. My whole existance just shattered to pieces, I had to hold myself from crying at that moment. I knew there were tears there, but I had to make it go away. It was just too hard. I knew she’d laugh at me. I just knew she would. She stopped and looked at me with a serious face. “Then I’d say theoretically speaking like you too.” She smiled. I was frozen… What? “Wait, wha?” I asked in complete and utter shock. “I like you too Kid, I wouldn’t mind dating you.” She said her face red. I grinned and smiled at the same time. I kneeled down on one knee while grasping her hand. “Then Death The Kaido, will you do the honor on being my, Death The Kid’s girlfriend?” I smiled with complete hope. “I, Death The Kaido, will do you the Honor.” She giggled blushing. At this point I couldn’t help it. I cupped her face then I finally kissed her.

To Be Continued...

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