Chapter 3: Death Manor

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Lou's POV
This Death The Kid is very similar to Kaido. I'm not liking this guy I hope he already has a girlfriend, that way he can't be with Kaido. Honestly what if he doesn't like her.Haha good thinking he can't like her. THEY JUST MEET!!!! *Kaido looks at Lou and sees him smiling* Kaido asked me "Lou why are you smiling?" I told her as fast as I could "Because I'm excited to see Death Manor." Then she smiles and nodded "Me too." She said giggling. That made me so happy, I can explode with all that awesome joy!!!!!! Haha!!!!! Louis you are doing just fine!!!!

Pat's POV
I wonder if tigers like to play hide and seek. "Hey Kaido does tigers play hide and seek?" I asked laughing. Kaido told me "NO I don't think they would do that. But they hunt by hiding then kill their prey." I think that is AWESOME!!!! MAYBE I CAN GET A TIGER!!!!! I'll ask if I can get one. "Kaido can I have a tiger?" Kaido looked at me and gave me a key chain with a tiger on it!!!!! I LOVE IT!!! RRRRAAAAARRRRR!!!!!!!

Lou's POV
Tomorrow is Pat's birthday and I got him a Tiger cookie jar. That we he can play with it and eat cookies. He loves cookies and I have to get him a tiger cake with tiger candles."Hey Kaido what did you get Pat?" I whispered "It's a surprise, I don't want you 2 to know what it is." Kaido whispered in my ear. She is so cute!!!! I have to ask her out.... "Hey Kai..." I was cut off by Kid. "We are here. I will show you to your rooms now." WHAT THE HELL WHY DID YOU CUT ME OFF YOU BASTARD!!!!!!!! I looked at Kaido who looked amazed at the mansion. She looked super happy cause of the symmetry. She grabbed Pat's and my hand!!!!!!! "AWESOME!!!!!" I said screaming. Kaido said "I know, beautiful symmetry. It's so beautiful!!!!!

Kid's POV
I walked up to the 3 and lead them to their rooms. I said walking up the stairs "Kaido your room is across mine, in case you need something. And you 2 across Liz and Patty which is right next to Kaido's room. If you 2 need anything ask them or me. Understood?" They all shook their heads and went to their room to unpack. I knocked on Liz and Patty's door. Liz opened and said "Yeah Kid." I had explained to them to them "Go and talk to them so they know a little more about you. It's very important that you get to know each other, okay?" Liz looked at me smiling and said "Come on Patty let's go talk to them okay." And then Patty goes "OKAY LIZ!!!! Hahaha." They are walking to Kaido's door and knocked.

Liz's POV
I knocked on the door and a girl that looked like Kid opened the door. "Yes. Pat, Lou why are you dressed like that?" Looked at Patty then looked back and said "My name is Liz and this is my little sister Patty. And what's your name?" She walked to the door across mine and Patty, She knocked and told someone "Pat, Lou please come out and meet Patty and Liz."  So a boy that looked like me opened the door. He stared at me with amazement. The other boy was holding a tiger that looked like Patty!!!! What's happening!!!! I started to panic and then I screamed "KID WHERE ARE YOU, PLEASE COME!!!!" He then ran out of his room and said "What's wrong?!?!?!" I quickly said "Look at them they look exactly like us but different gender!!!!" And he smiled "I know that, but they are probably thinking the same thing." He said calmly. Then I turned to them and apologized to them. I asked politely "Would you like to meet my friends?" So they all said "Sure!" at the exact same time.

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