Chapter 22: Ayumu Is Moving?!?!

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Ayumu’s POV

“Kaido!!” I ran to her shouting. “Ayumu!! I missed you so much!!!!” She told me. We hugged and I didn’t want to let her go. We sat on the ground, while we cried in each others arms. “I love you so much!!” I said passionately “I love you too. So very much Ayumu.” She replied lovingly. We stayed like this for 20 minutes until when Sunflower pat my back and said “I’ll call you later handsome.” She sounded like she wanted to be my girlfriend. Soon as Kaido heard Sunflower, she grabbed her arm and broke Sunflower’s wrist. “Say that one more time.” She said angrily. “Kaido please just calm down, please do it for us.” I tried to sound calm. Her red eyes went back to normal. “I’m sorry.” She apologized. “It’s fine. But I need you to know that I have to…” I was cut off by the bell. “I’ll tell you later let’s go to class.” I can’t bring myself to tell her. I-I can’t I don’t want to. I already know that because I have to move I have to break up. I don’t want to. I’ll tell her eventually… “Hey are you alright? You look sad.” asked Kaido “Y-yes I’m just thinking that’s all.” I smiled to assure I was fine. “I love you Ayumu!” She whispered “I love you too!” I whispered back. 

After Class…

“So now what was it you were going to tell me?” Kaido looked concerned. “Oh um well… I uh have to *Cough move Cough*” I said really depressed. “Haha very funny Ayumu.” she said a little scared. “You are joking right?” She’s on the verge of tears!!! “I’m s-so sorry.” I replied. “T-then I going to come with you!!” She said. “No you belong here.” I commanded “I don’t care we’ll go together whether you like or not! We are not separating again I don’t want to lose you again!” She yelled. “Alright just don’t shout I don’t want to start a fight. Your mine and only mine.” I said concerned. We smiled and hugged again. “Better say good bye then. I’ll be right back.” She said.

Kid’s POV

I was just happy that they were happy to be with each other. Especially when Kaido is back. I’m a little jealous of Ayumu though… Alright a lot. I can’t even pay any attention to whatever we are learning or doing. Did I just use the word “Whatever?” nevermind. I’m going insane!! I can’t even stop thinking about her!! I’m just always seeing her face in my head. She’s always smiling telling me “I love you!” In a sweet voice. Oh the bell rang. We can go home now. I was the first to leave the class. I think I was anyway. I bumped into someone. “Oh I-i’m sorry excuse me.” I apologized. The girl giggled. “Kid are you okay?” It was Kaido! “Oh hey I’m fine I was just lost in space.” I said. “You the very powerful Shinigami’s son lost in space?” She teased “Well I’m not normally like that though… I’m just got lost in my thoughts.” I said “Oh have you seen the others? Oh nevermind. Hey guys I would like to talk to all of you guys at once.” So they came near and Kaido began. “Well Ayumu and I will be moving back home together. I know it’s sudden but, I can’t stand the fact we would be separated again.” WHAT!!!! “I promise I will visit on occasion and my siblings will stay here. That way I know I can come back. I talked to Lord Death about this and he gave us a special pass that will let us visit at anytime we would like.” WHAT!!!!!!! “WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU’RE MOVING!!!!!!!!” I shouted louder than even Black*Star. “I-i’m sorry.” She started to cry. “Oh I-I didn’t mean to make you cry. I’m sorry.” Now I feel guilty. She sniffed and smiled “It’s okay. We’ll be leaving tomorrow. So I’m going straight to the gate after this talk and I go home.” She hugged me first to Maka, Soul, Crona, Tsubaki, Liz and Patty at the same time to Black*Star. “Black*Star for once I will miss you.” She said sadly. Everyone was shocked at this, so shocked even Black*Star couldn’t speak. “Good-bye everyone.” She stuck out her arms and we all gave her a group hug. She smiled “Goodbye.” Was her last words. Before she left the gate and to where ever she came from. By now I hate to admit but I have been crying… Sobbing my soul out of my body. “I…. miss…. you.” I finally choked out. 

11:36 late At Night

I woke up to the sound of my fathers voice. “Kid wake up now.” He said very seriously. By this I knew it was important. “Yes father.” I replied. “Kaido and Ayumu has been in a crash from the witch Eruka and the immortal Free. Ayumu had been murdered from the crash protecting Kaido by putting her to his chest. Luckily however, Kaido survived and is in the hospital. This time no coma but, completely safe and sound. I’m telling you your mission is to comfort her. She had just lost a big part of her soul and heart.” I was so shocked I got up immediately got dressed and hurried out the door with Liz and Patty as I summoned my Beelzebub and went straight to the hospital. “Kid do you think she’s alright?” Asked Liz. “I don’t think so. ‘My father said that she lost a part of her soul and heart.’ Do you think they were so close that they actually combined their souls?” I asked seriously. “I don’t know. Look it’s Maka and the others!!” She shouted. And sure enough we parked right next to them and ran in. “Excuse me where are you children going?” The nurse said. “To Kaido’s room.” I shouted. “Down the hall to the left room 26.” She said. “THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!” I shouted.

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