Chapter 18: The Disater

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Kid’s POV
Someone help me I’m going to die if I don’t see her awake soon. 3 months, 2 weeks, 6 days and 15 hours since she has woken up. I can’t stop thinking about her. What if she never wakes up?!?!?! I can’t imagine what it would be like without her. Someone kill me I can’t take it anymore. My eyes are starting to get tears. Sniff “Shit…” Whipping my tears I heard a knock on my door. “Kid uh you know that dinners ready and Patty and I want you to eat. If you don’t get I will barge in there and force you to eat.” I heard. “I’m coming Liz. I will eat because you want me to.” I sighed. “Yay great be down in a minute!” She said happy. “Okay…” I sighed once more. I saw her shadow leave my door. Okay so I guess I’ll just go now. As I walked down Lou and Pat “HOLY SHIT YOUR GOING TO EAT!!!” They shouted. “Yes… I don’t see what's so Important about it.” I said normally. They automatically got shocked. “Well you didn’t eat at this table for how long now? Oh about 3 or 4 months I think.” He said a little angry. “Well I will now.” I mumbled.  “You changed a lot after my ex-mister got in a… C-coma…” he said getting softer with every word. We ate silently and when I finished I got up to clean my mess. “I’m going to bed.” I said breaking the silence. “O-okay Kid good night.” We all said. I walked up the stairs and something told me to visit Kaido. So I turned around and went down stairs. “I decided to visit Kaido instead. For I am not tired.” They were shocked to see me change my mind, but they wanted me to go visit her with them. I could tell by their faces. “Oh Kid would it be okay if we could come too?” Asked Liz. I knew it. “I guess.” I said a little happier. They smiled. “I’m leaving now.” I walked out the door with Liz, Lou, Pat, and Patty. We had to walk there. The alley was dark, but just enough to be able to see where we were going. We turned to see a kishin running to the hospital. “Liz, Patty transform now!!” I said worried. Pat transformed for Louis. “Let’s go.” I whispered. We got on the roofs and saw the worst thing that could ever happen. The kishin went into the hospital a jumped out holding someone. THEN I NOTICED IT WAS KAIDO!!!! I fired at him, but he dodged them all. Then we jumped into the air onto a roof. I summoned a Beezlebub and then Lou and I flew following him. Where are you going? What are you doing with MY Kaido? Get back here you asshole!!!!!! Inappropriate language. “FUCK GET BACK HERE AND GIVE ME BACK MY KAIDO!!!!!!!!” I shouted at the top of my lungs. The kishin looked at me then glanced away running faster. We’ve been following him into a dark cave where we saw Kaido tied up with her arms slightly above her head. It reminded me of a cross. Oh shit we’re are they? I sneaked my way in the cave hoping no one would see me or Lou. We saw the kishin right next to her. We both aimed at it and shot it. It turned it’s head us “Well look who finally showed up  Hahaha. I’ve been waiting for you to show up.” He snickered. He wanted us to come? That bitch set us up. What is he up too? “Ugh!!” I screamed as he hit my back. Lou shot his head but, then got flicked him to the cave side. “Lou are you okay?” I asked then soon enough he too got hung next to Kaido. “Pat!!!!” Lou screamed. Pat hit the kishin in the back “Don’t forget about ME!!! Hahaha!!!!” He mocked. I however got his head with Patty and his back with Liz. He then just grabbed Pat’s leg. “Hey let him go!!!!” I said shooting his hand. He then dropped him, with Pat falling on his head. “Ow.” he sighed. But the kishin once again grabbed Pat but this time by his hair. I kicked the kishin in the head 4 times, he expected me to kick him because he hit me with Pat. “Pat!!!” screamed Lou. Pat pulled out his knife and stabbed the kishin. The thing was so pissed Pat is now hung up with Lou and Kaido. “Shit.” I said. Now what do I do? I get him alone because I’m also hung up on the left of Kaido. “I’m so sorry guys. I can’t get out.” I said. “It’s not the time to say you’re sorry to us.” said Liz. “ I guess shes right but what can I do? How did I end up getting tied up with everyone? Are we going to get our souls eaten? “Please wake up Kaido.” I mumbled to her lifeless body. He’s just left the cave!! Where on Earth is he going? “Guys I got an idea we need the skinniest to help us get out so Liz you have to just slide out of this weird cage and untie yourself.” I ordered her. “Wait why me?” Liz questioned. “Like what Kid said ‘You’re the skinniest’ so you have to.” Lou explained. “Fine.” Liz sighed. She slid through the cage and tried to reach Pat’s knife. “Almost got it. Got it!!!” She whispered. She slide through the gate again and cut us all lose. “Now how do we get through the gate?” I asked. “We shoot it down.” said Lou holding Pat. BOOM. “Okay then let’s get out of here."

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