Chapter 21: The Return To The DWMA

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Kaido’s POV

“So I guess I have lost a lot of weight then? Huh. How am I still alive if I didn’t eat that long?” I questioned. “To be honest I don’t know.” Replied Kid. “How much further are we on getting to the restaurant?” I questioned impatiently. Kid smiled at me. “Don’t be impatient we are almost there. Remember it’s still too early.” He responded. Soon as I saw the restaurant I ran straight for it. “Hey Kaido wait for me!!” He shouted. Soon as I got to the door I got a table for 9. Damn I hate odd numbers. “Right this way ma’am.” The waiter commanded in a way. I sat and waited to see 8 people panting. Oh such beauty, the number 8 also a beautiful even. “Kai, I don’t see how you can just immediately get here faster than us.” Said Zack “I mean we were way ahead of you.” He panted. I laughed. “You said the word ‘immediately’ you changed a lot Z. What ever happened to you’re slang?” I teased. “Shut up not mah fault Lee been makin me speek like a gentalman.” He spoke normally. While saying the word ‘gentlemen’ he made quotation marks with his fingers. “It’s pronounced as my, making, speak and gentlemen.” I giggled. “I keep correcting him as well.” Said Kai-Lee. “And the rest of us too. All the credit doesn’t go straight to Lee.” Argued Mavis. “May I get your order please?” The waiter asked. “Oh we will get 9 breakfast combos please. 2 sprite’s, 1 fruit punch, 3 root beers, 2 pepsi’s and a lemonade please.” I asked “Of course anything else?” He replied. “Oh no thank you.” After our chat and breakfast. We went to the DWMA for school.

Kid’s POV

I miss her so much. She makes like nothing happened and everythings back to normal, which is true I suppose. Well at least you’re back with us now. “KAIDO!!!!” Shouted Maka really excited. Soon as Kaido heard Maka, she ran straight for her. “Maka, Lou, Pat, Soul, Crona, Tsubaki, Liz, and Patty!! You’re all here! I miss you guys so much!” Kaido shouted joyously “So how are things going? How are…” Kaido got cut off. “HA SNEAK ATTACK!!!!” Black*Star was right above Kaido trying to kick her face. “Hey Kai-” I shouted. “Black*Star prepare to die!! Kyah!!” And there went Black*Star. “Thank you Kid for trying to warn me, but Black*Star’s too much of an idiot to shut up.” She told me. “I better go get Black*Star back before he causes another scene.” Said Tsubaki worried and concern. “We are going to be late if we don’t leave now.” Said Maka. “Whatever I don’t care if I’m late.” Argued Soul “Well I do so shut it.”  Commanded Maka. I heard Soul muttering to himself. Acting cool makes you weird I guess.

Spirit's POV

“Today we are going to dissect a dodo bird.” Stein said. “Ugh again? Wait isn’t dodo birds extinct?” said Soul. “What does it matter to you? Huh? Are you the teacher, hm WELL!?!?” I asked that retard. “Maybe if YOU WERE TO SHUT UP THEN MAKA WOULDN’T HAVE TO BE SO EMBARRASSED ALL THE TIME!!!!!!!!” He shouted back. “YOU!...” I was cut off. “Hello Mr. Stein, Mr. Spirit. I have woken up from my coma and I apologize for being late. Kid and I were at Lord Death’s office.” Kaido told me. “YOU’RE BACK!!!!” Shouted the students. “Stu..”

Kaido’s POV

“Stu..” Mr. Spirit was cut off. “Gah!! HELP ME!!! KID!!” I shouted. The whole class jumped out of their seats and hugged me. Kid grabbed my hand and pulled while I was blushing a little. Okay I was blushing a lot. When everyone let go of me, I flung right into Kid’s chest. “Ah.” I squeaked before actually touching him. I looked up to see Kid staring at us with a deep blush. “I’m sorry Kid I didn’t mean it.” I apologized deeply. “I-it’s okay.” Kid studered. As I got up I heard this girl sing “Kid and Kaido sitting in a tree K.I.S.S.I.N.G!! Haha!” She giggled afterward. “Excuse me?” I questioned. “You heard me. Why want to fight? We can do it right outside.” She challenged. “Two fights in one day. My my Professor Stein, may I have permission to fight this girl?” I asked politely. “Yes you may let’s step outside then.” He replied. We all went out in front. “Lee, Jenny, Janei, Mavis, Morgan, Z, and Z-Marie. You know what to do.” I said. “Six against two isn’t fair.” the girl said. “It’s fair it’s in the rulebook look it up. Now!!!” I ordered. My siblings became into one weapon. “I want a whip this time.” I said darkly. “Right!” Replied Mavis. “Ready when you are!!” I shouted. “How stupid.” I said as she ran towards me with a sword with lighting around it. I jumped and whipped her back while I was upside down. “Ugh! You bitch!” She replied rudely. I whipped her face and left a big scar. “Now this will be the lesson to not mess with me.” I casually stated. She jumped on me and I showed no emotion. Soon I smiled “Stupid girl named Sunflower.” I said plainly. She punched my face, and yet I still showed no emotion. “Is that all you got?” I sighed. She punched the ground with all her might and made a huge hole in the ground. “Why you missed my face.” I said. Then she punched my face with the same power and strength as before. “Is that it?” I said. “SHUT UP YOU’RE PINNED TO THE GROUND I’M WINNING RIGHT NOW!!!!” Shouted Sunflower while punching my face countless times. “Are you sure you pinned me down?” I asked. “Of co.. Wait I was punching you countless times where did you go?” Sunflower asked confused. “ I was never pinned down in the first place.” I said plainly. After those words I whipped her back, legs, arms, and the back of her head. “I want a dagger.” I said. “Right on! Finally my weapon!” Said Z. After he transformed I countlessly stabbed her left arm making the words ‘Don’t ever underestimate me again’ on her right arm. “You should be happy I have done far worse to Black*Star than what I have done to you. Good-bye.” I said leaving Sunflower on the ground sobbing.

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