Chapter 20: She Awakes!!

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Kid’s POV
I just woke up about 24 minutes ago and during the 24 minutes I have been watching Kaido’s Lifeless self sleeping in her long slumber. I saw her hand twitch ten minutes after I woke up. I was talking to her. I can’t help it but smile. She’s so symmetrical. “How are you feeling Kaido?” I asked. I wasn’t expecting her to speak back and all I just wanted to know if she could hear me. I wouldn’t think she would move but, she did!!!!!!!! I screamed in the inside. I didn’t even realize it’s been 2 hours. Well no one will wake up cause it’s only 3:23 in the morning. I watched her a little bit more when I saw her eyes moving!!! “Kaido!!!” I shouted and whispered at the same time. “K-kaido? Can you hear me? By any chance could you wake up!! Or move again?!” I asked impatiently. Kaido starts to twitch her eyes!! She’s halfway here!!

Kaido’s POV
“How are you feeling Kaido?” I heard. I tried to go closer to the voice. Just then I heard  “Kaido!!!” I think it’s Kid. “K-kaido? Can you hear me? By any chance could you wake up!! Or move again?!” That’s when I realized it really is Kid!! “KID I’M HERE!!!! PLEASE HELP ME I’M STUCK IN A BLACK HOLE!!!!!!!” I screamed. I got no reply “Please…” Yet again silence. I see a light!! “Maybe that’s my way out.” I muttered.

Kid’s POV
I stared at her beautiful face a little while longer. “I miss you so much. Please don’t leave me here…” I said sincerely. “Kid?” I heard someone say. I looked behind me but,, no ones awake. I look down and Kaido’s just looking at me smiling. My eyes grew so wide. “…” I whispered “Hey you seem like you just woke up from a nightmare. Are you okay?” I didn’t answer I immediately hugged her with my face in her neck. “Woah I was only asleep for like 9 hours don’t need to pretend I was gone for longer than a year.” Kaido said plainly. I can’t believe she’s here again!! “I need you to know that you were out for 3 months, 3 weeks, 8 days, and….” I stopped to look at the time. “ 12 hours. I’m sorry you got into a coma.” I had said sadly that is my reason for not letting go of the hug. “I can’t believe it. Well at least I’m awake now.” She smiles like it’s no big deal. “Wow, you seem like nothing happened.” I said surprised. She looks down with eyes growing wide. “KID WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU!?!?!?! YOU’RE SO THIN!!! YOU HAVEN’T BEEN EATING ARE YOU CRAZY!!!” Shouted Kaido. “I’m so sorry I was just unable to eat for a while…” I said. Everyone was looking at us now. “KAIDO!!!!!” Everyone had shouted they all pushed me away from her and hugged her tight. “I can’t breathe.” I said without a breath. “Sorry!” they all said. “I’m just so happy to see you again.” Said Kai-lee. “Me too.” said all the others. “So now that you’re back what do you want to do?” I asked “I’m so hungry. I want to see all my dear friends too. Oh and of course attend the DWMA once more. You know the usual.” She smiled so beautifully symmetrically too. “That’s a promise I can keep.” We said to Kaido at once.

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