Chapter 8 Kaido's Siblings?

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Kaido's POV
I was the first to wake up and I set everyone's presents up outside. Outside I set up a table with labels of each gift belonged to. I had put up more than 1 table because the HD TV was to big. Any way I stayed outside that no one would try to Steal anything that my phone vibrated. I answered and it was my sister "Hello* Hello Kaido?* Yes* I have such good news to tell you all of us is coming to live with you!!!* No way really?* Yeah so we decided to live with you!!* Yeah about that I live with some other people I'm sorry* Don't worry we will buy a new house with 16 rooms* Alright tell the others I love them okay I have to go* Okay I love and miss you!!!!* Love and miss you too!!!! Bye.* Bye." I haven't heard from her since ever!! I will see and live with her again!!!!! But that means I won't live with Kid, Liz, and Patty anymore. I want to live in death city still I'll tell her when she comes. I have a lot of thinking to do.

Kid's POV
I woke up and I woke up everyone else. "HOLY CRAP!!! WHERE'S KAIDO!?!?!" We searched around the house then went outside. She stood there smiling and said surprise!!!!! Liz and Patty already know what they got so they automatically ran to there gifts. Lou smiled and went straight for his gift along with Pat. Soul ran in his new car and wouldn't come out of the Cadillac. Maka was so happy she sat straight down and started reading. Tsubaki got a smart phone with Kaido's cell phone on it. Kid however grabbed the Xbox 360 and hooked it up to the HD TV that belonged to Pat. I also bought 80 games!!!! While Crona felt left out I told her to come. She came by and I gave her a ticket. "Here Crona you and I are going to the amusement park on Wednesday" She took it saying " Why did you choose me? You ca-an't choose me I'm not worthy to except this expensive gift." I smiled "No Crona I care for you a lot and I want to spend more time with you okay? But that's If you want to of course." She then smiled and everyone was so shocked "Okay." Maka had gave her a hug and we all had a group hug. Black*Star yelled out very loudly "WHERE IS MY PRESENT KAIDO? HUH" She had yelled even louder than him "I DIDN'T GET YOU ANYTHING!!!!" He then went in the corner and cried with Tsubaki patting his back.

5 Hours Later

Kai-Lee's POV
Okay now I'm here at Death City now all I have to do is find Death Manor. "All 8 of us will once again be reunited together." I shouted "I can't wait to see our oldest sister." said Zayla-Marie "I agree but it's not fair that I'm the only boy in this family!" said Zack "SHUT UP!!! I KNOW RIGHT!!!" said Jenny and Janei. Mavis and Morgan however were sitting quietly smiling for the right moment to leave without being seen. "Ready* Set* Now*" Mavis spoke at first Than Morgan Then at last together. We all leaped in the air and hopped on the roofs of the houses and apartment buildings. "There it is!!! It's about 10 minutes away.

10 minutes later in front of the building

Kaido's POV
I walk outside running because I heard the constant knocking on the door and everyone stared at me as I ran out the door.

Kid's POV
Kaido ran to the door and ran outside. I ran after her and a bunch of people were standing there. Kaido was in the middle of them. It looked like she was super happy. She opened her eyes and she said "Kid I want you to meet my dearest family. But first I will say our names in order of birth. Me, Kai-Lee, Jenny, Janei, Mavis, Morgan, Zack, and Zayla-Marie." I was so shocked I couldn't speak "Uh... I Um my uh..." She smiled and laughed. She pointed to them all as they introduced themselves. Let's star with Kai-Lee she looks exactly like Kaido except opposite colors of their hair and their clothing. Jenny and Janei was like Kaido and Kai-Lee along with Mavis and Morgan. Zack and Zayla-Marie look exactly the same too but a big difference. They are all the same except they wear different things from each other. Each pair would wear the exact same clothing except opposite color for example Kaido's like mine but Kai-Lee's mostly white not black. This has been very creepy for me today. I can't even speak. Kaido however is introducing me to them. And talking about stuff I don't know what they are talking about. We all came inside and introduced them to everyone else. What shocks me is that every single 8 is a death scythe. But what shocks me the most is that Lou and Pat didn't even knew they existed!!!!! I wonder why though. I'll ask her one day.

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