Chapter 15: Kid and Ayumu Fight!?!?!

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Ayumu's POV

Where's that terrible Kid? And where's my love Kaido? She should be here by now. I miss her already. Oh there she is. "Hey I'm sorry i'm a little late my brother wouldn't get up." She said angrily. "No that's not true she yelled at me to get up and threatened me!!! Nice sister alright." Zack shouted and mumbled. "SHUT UP DUMBASS YOU’RE IRRITATING ME!!!!!" Kaido screeched. "Well excuse me ma’am." Zack replied "WHAT YOU WANNA FIGHT HUH?!?!?!" Kaido asked loudly "YEAH COME AT ME BRO!!!!!" Screamed Zack. "Oh-no not again" I said. "DIE!!!!!" Yelled Kaido. "IN YOUR FUCKING DREAMS BITCH!!!!" Yelled the retarded Zack. "Retard." I said. They are so hard to handle sometimes. "OWW MY FUCKING HAND!!!!" Zack screamed. "HAHA THAT"S WHAT YOU GET ASSHOLE!!!!!!! Kaido replied. Sadly they both had to go to the hospital though. I see KID!!!!

After Their fight...

Kid's POV

"Oh hello Ayumu." I said politely. He looked at me like he was disgusted “Hey Kid… DIE!!!” Ayumu shouted. I started to run away but, then I realized he’s going to kill me!!!! “LIZ, PATTY TRANSFORM NOW!!!!!” I Screamed as loud as I could. His partner was a girl named Leila. And she was a bow that was able to shot five arrows at once. “DIE DIE DIE!!!!!!!” He screamed louder. Ayumu Shot Patty’s sides gun on accident from me dodging his attack. I would have been dead if I hadn’t dodged it. Why am I losing? I can’t hurt him can I? No Kaido would hate me. He came toward me with ten, fifteen, twenty arrows!!!! I dodged most of them but then I got shot in my left arm, left leg and my stomach. I had to so I shot him in face. “I’m sorry Kaido… Don’t hate me, I must do this or I’ll die.” I said. “SOUL RESIDENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!” I had shouted boldly. “DEATH CANNON!!!!” But he dodged everything I shot at him. Shot 30 more arrows at me. “DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE!!!!!!” He shouted.

Ayumu’s POV

For every arrow I shoot I will say “DIE!!!!” to my worst enemy. I will kill him and if I don’t I will keep going until I die!!! He will pay for kissing my true love!!!!!! DIE!!!! I can’t fail I must not FAIL!!!! “SOUL RESIDENCE!!!!!” I shouted “CORNELIUS BOW HUNTER!!!!!!” I said. My bow became so huge I had to put her on the floor and she was still bigger than me and I am six feet three inches. “DIE KID!!!!” I said finally shooting bows bigger than a monster truck. Kid however managed to get away from my attack and survived Okay again “YOU’RE DEAD NOW!!!!!! HAHA!!!!!” I said at last. Shooting 20 arrows. but then I see someone lying on the floor out cold…. KAIDO!?!?!?! “KAIDO ARE YOU OKAY!?!?!?!” I picked her up. “I saw you guys fighting but, I managed to be just fine with the help from my brother and sisters. I heard the commotion so I did my best to make sure you are perfectly fine. But, what are you two fighting for anyway?” Kaido asked, stated, and said darkly. “I’m sorry I’m really mad that KID kissed you yesterday.” I said angry. She then started to laugh. “Thank you.” She laughed again. “I’m so sorry you got hurt!!!” I said very guilty. “Ayumu please don’t be mad at Kid. I won’t date him unless you say it’s okay or if you want me too.” She smiled kindly. “I love you!!!” I said very happily “I love you t-too!!” She said slowly. “MY GOD YOU’RE BLEEDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I shouted “We-ll d-duh I j-just t-t-took a hit for Kid.” she said closing her eyes!!!!!! I ran to the hospital with that annoying Kid but, there is no time to hate him. I’m almost there!!! When I ran in the health lady just finish healing Zack “KAIDO’S BEEN HURT REALLY BADLY PLEASE HEAL HER BEFORE SHE DIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I shouted as loud as I could. She rushed to us and said to put her on the bed it’s been 6 hours since I heard from the doctor!!!!! 6 HOURS!!!!!! The doctor came out very nervous “You’re not allowed to see Kaido. None of you are able to unless you’re her family. I don’t want to hear it but, you see she... She is” She stopped.

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