Chapter 23: Kaido's Cheering Up Day

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Kid’s POV

Kaido is in this room “26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26... Here!!” I shouted I opened the door to see her crying and sobbing by the window. “You’re supposed to stay in the bed.” said Soul. I punched Soul in the shoulder. “Shut up let her do what she wants, she’s not hurt physically.” I said. “Whatever. Kaido are you okay?” Soul asked. “Leave me alone, I want to be alone.” She sobbed louder. “I’m not going to leave you here whether you like it or not.” I responded. “Please… I need to die. To rejoin with him, unless you want to do it for me?” She asked softly between sobbs. “NO YOU CAN’T GIVE UP ON LIVE!!!!” Soul and I shouted. “WHY NOT?!?!?! What’s the point anyway?” she asked. I sat next to her and pulled her to my chest. “Shhh we all need you and mostly your siblings need you. They got here before all of us. They didn’t want to leave you so they followed you. They called the ambulance. The people said they weren't allowed to see you because you didn’t want to be seen by anyone so they fell asleep in the waiting room.” I explained. Kaido more so put her face deeper into my chest and cried louder than ever. I think I made it worst. “Hey hey hey you got visitors.” I said. She looked up her eyes became wide.

Masa’s POV

“KAIDO ARE YOU ALRIGHT!!!!!! WE TRIED FOR SO LONG TO SAVE OUR MONEY TO GET HERE!!!! EVER SINCE WE FIRST REALIZED YOU WERE IN A COMA!!!!!!” Shouted Red*Star. “Hey Red*Star please don’t shout you’re gonna wake everyone up.” Said worried Tsubasa. “Hey guys sorry we are very late on showing up.” said my partner Souline. “I apologize very much about that… Took a lot of savings and all. I heard the bad news….” I said. Silence happened and I felt like a criminal because of it. She sniffed “It’s okay at least I have you guys.” Tears started to fall. “Oh I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to… Wait who is these people?” I asked very confused. “I’m Death The Kid, nice to meet you.” Said the boy that looks just like Kaido. “I’m Soul, I’m going to guess your name is Masa or Mala?” said Souline’s opposite gender. “Close enough on the second name but, yes Masa.” I said. “Haha you even look the same as a girl!! Flat chested!!!” laughed Soul. “MASA CHOP!!!” I shouted hitting him with a book. “MAKA CHOP!!!” Said apparently my opposite gender Maka. “Nice chop Maka, I’m Masa” I said shaking her hand. “Nice to meet you Masa I’m Maka and thank you very much.” She replied “By the way I love that book It’s very interesting and passionate.” I said “Right finally someone who gets me.” YAHOO I’M RED*STAR AND I KNOW THAT’S BLACK*STAR BECAUSE I SAID HI!!!!!!!! HAHAHA!!!!” Shouted Red*Star. “I’m Tsubasa and I know that this is Tsubaki because I also just talked to her.” Said Tsubasa very shyly. “Well we are all here to attend the DWMA. Yes!!! And we decided this because we wanted to comfort you and we missed you so much.” I said.

Kaido’s POV

“Well we are all here to attend the DWMA. Yes!!! And we decided this because we wanted to comfort you and we missed you so much.” Masa surprised me. I guess things aren't worth dieing for. Unless it’s a kishen of course. I shouldn’t cry or sobbing. Ayumu wouldn’t want that. He would want me to be strong for him. Promise me you’ll visit me in my dreams or haunt me as  ghost, or maybe help me find someone as great as you. I need to see hear or even feel your presents. Promise that to me. “I promise my dear, I’ll visit everyday.” was what I heard and I was no longer sad I was happy to know he will be with me forever. “I Love You Ayumu!!” I said aloud. Everyone looked at me like I was insane but, then they smiled. “Kaido are you okay?” Kid asked before I could reply someone interrupted me. “This is Kaido’s way of letting go. She’s a lot more mature than most people. I’m glad she forgave Ayumu for what he did.” Said Kai-Lee. I got up and then hugged her. “You took the words out of my mouth.” I said with a small smile. I’ll see you one day Ayumu I promise.

Kid’s POV

I’m sure she is still hurt and all. But, at least she’s trying her best. “Come one people we should have a sleepover at my mansion to celebrate Ayumu’s life and celebrate another day of Kaido’s life.” I said. “I agree thanks Kid. But you don’t mind us unpacking and getting an apartment first. We are all going to share a place.” Said Masa. “No problem but, we’ll save a spot somewhere in the house. Alright?” I asked and stated. “Thank you very much, see you all later. Oh and Kaido I’m so very sorry for your lost…” Masa continued.

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