Chapter 4: Meeting Kid's Friends

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Kid's POV

"That's a great idea." I said. I showed them the rest of the house soon as they finished unpacking. "Are you ready?" I asked. Kaido smiled and said "Let's do it!" While Pat said "OhKay then!!! Hahaha" And then Lou said "It's always fun to meet new friends." So I told Maka, Soul, Tsubaki, Crona, and Black*Star to meet me at the basketball court. However they all said they'd come. I wonder what they would think about those 3. Would they freak out and not want to be friends? Or will they be fine and still be friends with them? Well I don't know I guess we'll find out.We were going to fly there but I wasn't sure if that would be a good idea. Kaido probably doesn't know how to summon a Beezlebub. Maybe I should ask. "Kaido can I ask you a question?" After I had stated that Lou gave me an *I'm gonna kill you* glare. She then said "Sure." However I said quickly as I could "Do you know how to fly a Bezzlebub?" Soon as I said it she summoned a Beezlebub "I can ride it too." Then Lou came by me and whispered in my ear "I thought you were going to ask her out. Sorry." So I just smiled and nodded my head. Kaido than commanded Lou and Pat to change in their weapon form. Their weapon forms was... NO WAY DEATH CANON!!!!!!!!!!!

Kaido's POV

I ordered Lou and Pat to transform in their weapon forms. Kid however looked major freaked out. I wonder why. "Hey Kid show us how to get their!!!!!!" I shouted so he could hear. He commanded Liz and Patty to transform in their weapon forms and they were PISTOLS!!!! I don't know why but they were pistols, they should at least be something big. Seriously maybe like a machine gun. Or maybe a twin cannon like mine.

Lou's POV

Why is it that we are walking? Does Kid know how to fly a Beezlebub? I should ask. But I herd Kid say "Kaido can I ask you a question?" WHAT NO HE BETTER NOT!!! I gave him a Death Glare!!!! IF HE ASKS HER OUT HE IS DEAD!!!!!! "Sure." So Kid goes on and says "Do you know how to fly a Beezlebub?" Then I was like duh she's a Reaper. Anyway I walked to Kid and told him that I liked Kaido and I also apologize about the Death Glare. But then he smiled and nodded. I don't know understand why he smiled, was he gonna use that against me or something? Nah I don't think he'd do that.... I hope. Kaido commanded me and Pat to turn in our weapon form so we did and Kid was shocked. Was it cause the Beezlebub or what? Anyway Liz and Patty transformed into pistols. I guess it was cool. But I thought their weapon forms would be bigger than ours, I guess not.

Kaido's POV

We are here!!!! YES!!! I quickly landed on the court and see a girl version of Masa a boy version of Souline.There was a boy version of Red*Star and a girl version of Tsubasa. Oh look Crow is here too but, it's a girl. WHAT IS HAPPENING?!?!?!?! I shouted "WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE!!!" And a boy that looked likes Red*Star jumped on me and said "KID WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU YOUR A GIRL!!!!!!" And then grabbed my boob. So I quickly Beat the asshole up and the girl that looked like Tsubasa cried after him. Lou however grabbed his hair and pulled him to the corner. Lou also kicked him in that one spot. Then the guy started crying. While the girl cried even more. Kid finally got here and saw Pat laughing, me and Lou beating the hell out of that guy and saw the girl cry. He then said "Black*Star what did you do?!?!?!" He yelled "What happened to you your a girl! Then I grabbed her boob." Kid walked to me and Lou then told us "You 2 should stop he's just an idiot like that." Then I looked at Kid. He looked at me saying "Your eyes are R...RED!!!" So I decided to Calm down and my eyes turned to it's normal color. He then told me "How does your eyes do that?!?!" So I replied "My eyes change color depending on my mood. My eyes are like those mood stuff. But my eyes are accurate." He smiled at me and look in my eyes than I blushed a little while my eyes turned pink. He asked and stated "Your eyes are pink. What is your mood?" So I replied " I'm just embarrassed right now.... Your hands are on my shoulders still." That's when he let go of me and stated "I'm sorry I'm just fascinated."

Lou's POV

I gave Kid another Death Glare, then he walked towards me and apologized. I had gave him a warning "If you end up liking her I will murder you in your sleep GOT IT!!" Than he looked at me a little scared, but he went to my ear "Don't worry my responsibility is to take care of you can keep you 3 happy." After they introduced themselves to us.

Maka's POV

"Hello my name is Maka Albarn and this is Soul. He is a scythe and he's my weapon." I said politely. Soul said "Hey what's up I'm Soul Eater Evans." Trying to sound cool. The girl said politely "Hello my name is Death The Kaido 8, you may call me Kaido for short. Also this is Lou and this is Pat." The tall boy Lou said "Hey nice to meet ya." And the other Pat said "HI MY NAME IS PATRICK BUT I LIKE BEING CALLED PAT!!!!!!" Pat reminded me of Patty. And Lou, Liz. And of course Kaido, Kid.

Tsubaki"s POV

"Hello my name is Tsubaki Nakatsukasa. That's Black*Star.... I'M SO SORRY ABOUT HIM!!!!!! I REALLY AM!!!!! I KNOW HE CAN GET OUT OF HAND SOMETIMES I CAN'T DO ANYTHING!!!!" But Kaido smiled and hugged me and said "It's not your fault it's his. Don't feel bad when you don't do anything, okay." I started to smile and I was happy and I felt better.

Crona's POV

"Hh..Iiii ii'mm, Demon Swordsman Crona." I can't deal with this I should just sit in the corner and don't speak a word. I was walking to the corner. And Kaido just grabbed my arm and pulled me towards her. She hugged me she told me "You shouldn't be so scared to meet new people. You should embrace it because I want to be your friend. And of course I want to be friends with them too. Okay?" She said it so kindly and I started to cry then she held me closer and I felt happy. She's wonderful. I stopped crying and I smiled. Then Ragnarok started yelling at her then she gave him 88 pieces of candy. Then he said "I want more now or else we aren't friends." She then laughed then gave him 888 more pieces of candy.

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