1 - An Unknown Home

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***I have dedicated this first chapter to Jaime4987 for leaving me a one of a kind comment. It truly made my day and reminded me to keep doing what I love. I'm glad you're enjoying the story. Thank you Jaime.***

This is chapter one of my new story guys! This first chapter is kind of slow and nothing too exciting happens. It's mostly to help you get a feel on the main character. Things will pick up more in the coming chapters.


Chapter One - An Unknown Home

I swung the door open, a large white living room sat in front of me. It was decent, better than most of my foster homes.

I rolled my luggage in behind me, placing it at the bottom of a dark wood stair case. I gazed up to the second floor, and then looked over my shoulder to see Levi come through the door.

I looked away from him and took in the sight of the living room. There was a short dingy grey corduroy couch and a brown faux leather recliner. The coffee table was small and glass. There was a vase sitting on it. It was filled with pink flowers.

At least there is something colorful in here.

"So what do you think? I know it's not too great but-"

"It's not too shabby, a little gloomy though." I smiled faintly.

"You can do whatever you want to the place Whit, make it your home too."

I took his words into consideration and started up the stairs. "Where is my room?" I called back to him.

"First door on the right!"

I walked down the white hallway and reached out to the door knob, slowly pushing open the door.

It wasn't a small room, but it wasn't too large either. There were white shelves built into one wall, where a TV sat in the perfect space, and there was room for whatever else I decide to put around it.

There were two doors on a different wall, which I'm assuming leads to a closet.

There was a full size bed on the third wall. It sat between two white wooded windows. On the last wall was a tall white dresser, next to a shorter but longer one.

It's a nice room, but with the same white walls as the living room. All the white here makes every room feel cold.

"Here's some of your bags." Levi set down two of my suitcases.

"Thanks, I can grab the last one." His smile fell. His face had a tinge of sorrow in it.

"I set aside some money for you. I thought that maybe you'd want to go shopping and get some things for your room?" He questioned.

"Sure. Just let me put my clothes away first."

Levi nodded and walked out of the room, giving me privacy.

I walked over to the closet doors and pulled them open. In front of me was not a closet, but a large arched window with a white built in bench below it. We were in a raised part of the suburbs, and the window overlooked parts of the busy city.

It's strange that somebody would make this separate from the rest of the room, but I like it.

I finished putting my clothes away and met Levi downstairs by the front door.

"Ready to go?"

"Yup." I slid on my flip flops and followed closely behind him as we made our way to his car.

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