50 - Breakdown

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Chapter 50 - Breakdown

The piano echoed through the funeral home.

Everyone hurried to find a seat, telling their kids to be quiet at the priest stood at the front.

The seats were full, forcing some people to stand off to the sides.

People from all over city came here today. They came to pray for a selfless young girl. A girl who gave her life for a young child, and her mother.

It didn't matter whether these people knew her or not. What mattered was that Whitney was finally getting the recognition she deserved. She was an amazing person, and people could finally see it.

People from all over were praying for her soul. Praying that she finds her peace after the harsh life she's lived.

Her life was now widely known throughout our area. Her story spread like wildfire on social media.

Whitney Parks' name would be remembered.

She would go down in the books as a hero.

"Please stay silent for the readings of the loved ones."

Carson took the stand. He seemed uncomfortable up there. Maybe it was because he wasn't really a recent loved one of hers. He seemed like he had been feeling unwelcome in the planning of her funeral, but Levi insisted that Whitney would be upset if Carson was let out. After all, he was a big puzzle piece in her short life.

"I guess I don't know what to say up here. Whitney and I hadn't spoken for years before-" He paused, seeming scared to bring it up. "- this happened. But I think she knew she was my first love. I may not have been hers, and that's okay, because I wasn't right for her, but despite that, she always continued to show me strength and determination that no one else I know, is capable of. She gave me a sort of guidance in my life, and it taught me priorities. I'm not quite sure where I would be had I not ever met her, and I think a lot of other people feel the same way about her." He simply smiled and quietly left the stand, head down, face turning red.

I don't think he's cried once since she died, but his feeling of loss was showing now. And it was on display to us all.

Melissa stood up as Levi sat down next to her. She was crying before she even reached the podium.

"Whitney and I got off to a rocky start, but after barging my way into her life, she took me in and held my hand when I had no one else to do it. Simply put, she was always there for me. Although she always felt weak, I think she was the rock of our small awkward family. When Whitney passed, I was watching my daughter turn blue. Only a minute old and she couldn't breathe on her own. But suddenly she took this deep breath, and she was okay. Not long after, we got the call. Maybe this sounds stupid, but knowing how Whitney was a savior for so many people," Melissa choked, tears staining her face, "I'd like to believe she saved my daughter as well."

I watched as her body trembled and Levi rushed to her side, leaving their newborn baby in the carriage beside me.

I peered in at the little girl who shared Whitney's name.

I hope she lives an easier life than Whitney.

"My sister was one of the most kind-hearted people I knew." My attention turned to Levi, standing proud and tall in front of us all. In a weird way, he was the most held together. He seemingly had a sense of acceptance in Whitney's death, as if it was expected that Whitney's torturous life would end in an even worse way. I'm sure that's not what it was. I'm sure that as usual, he just felt the need to be the strongest of us all, but I continued to wonder if maybe she never had a fairy tale waiting for her.

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