2 - One Thousand Eight Hundred Twenty Five Days

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Chapter Two - One Thousand Eight Hundred Twenty Five Days

It's a lot nicer here with the living room redone. The walls were warm and the pillows made it cozy.

I snuggled deeper into the couch, sipping on my gourmet caramel tea and munching on popcorn.

"What's on the agenda today?" Levi jumped over the back of the couch and flopped down next to me.

"Nothing hopefully." I muttered through a mouth full of popcorn.

"Well, I have to go back to work today."

"Finally I'll have the house to myself." I joked.

"Hey I'm not that terrible." He leaned backwards and lifted his leg to put his dirty foot in my face.

"Get away from me!" I swatted his leg away from me and he laughed.

The hours are trickling away quickly. It's already five in the afternoon and Levi leaves for work soon. He works third shift as a machining tech at some factory in the city. His schedule is from six to six, four nights a week.

It makes me wonder how he has time for all the girls he hooks up with.

I watched the street below from my bedroom window. There were kids playing and every now and again I'd see a stray dog run past the house.

Children are so innocent and open-minded in the most positive ways. They don't have a clue how quickly their life could be ripped away from them. It's also a wonder how some of them can grow up to be such terrible people.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a knock on my door. "Levi?"

"Yeah, can I come in there?"

"Just a minute!"

I walked over to the two doors. I reached up to the chain lock and slid it open. I then turned the lock on the door knob.

"Can I come in yet?" Levi sounded antsy.

"Hold on." I slid my hand to the dead bolt above the door knob. I twisted it to the right and heard it click. "Okay."

The doors pulled open in front of me and Levi stood there looking slightly annoyed.

"I still don't think all the added locks are necessary."

I ignored his comment and made my way back to the window. "What'd you want?"

"I'm leaving for work now." My heart stopped and I froze.

"Ri- Right now?" I stammered. "But it's only five."

"Yeah, and it's about a thirty minute drive there, give or take with traffic."

"Okay." My voice came out as barely a squeak.

"Hey," Levi sat next to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders, "you'll be okay, I promise."

I just stared at the floor. This is the first time I will have been alone in five years. Just over one thousand, eight hundred, and twenty five days, and not one of those days have I been without someone at least in the same house as me.

"Just go to sleep tonight, and I'll be home when you wake up."

As if I was going to fall asleep while home alone.

Levi left for work two hours ago. The sun is going down now and over the city there are storm clouds rolling. You can see the rain falling from here.

I made sure to take a picture so I could show Levi what it looks like.

I sat in the window for an hour, propping up my camera on books to catch pictures of the lightning hitting building tops.

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