34 - 411

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EDIT: Dedicating this chapter to MzNiyahGurl because she's been showing awesome support with voting. Thank you so much, I really appreciate it!

Chapter 34 - 411

"Whitney." My body turned to the right before flopping back. "Whitney, wake up." This time it was a jab in my side and my eyes suddenly opened mid moan.

I choked it back and caught my breath. My breathing was rapid and my body was on fire.

"Whitney?" I looked at a bewildered Carson and heat rose to my face. "Were you having a... dream?" Oh my God.

"Um..." I was flustered in many senses, and couldn't think fast enough.

"Well come here." Carson kissed my neck and flipped me on top of him.

And I just went with it.

All Melissa could do is blink and sip on her apple cider. She looked deep in thought, like she was trying to figure out my life for me, but even I knew that it was a hopeless case.

I know what happened was totally messed up but I couldn't keep it to myself. Feeling the need to vent I realized, what are best friends for? If I knew she'd be so distraught over it, then I would have kept my mouth shut.

"Okay, so." She took another sip and pulled herself together. "You had sex with your boyfriend while thinking of Brett?" She summed it up fairly quickly.

"Yeah, but only because I had  a dream about him. And it's not like that's my fault!" I snapped to justify my actions.

"Buuut, why is your subconscious conjuring up wet dreams about him to begin with?" She narrowed her eyes at me.

"I don't know. That's why it's called a subconscious, isn't it? Because you don't know why it does what it does?" I tried my hardest to reason with all of this.

"Really, the dream isn't the issue here." She continued. "The issue is that you're telling me it's the best sex you've ever had with Carson."

"Yes." I nodded, fully admitting the fucky part of it.

"To think you said you're totally over Brett." She rolled her eyes and bit into her pumpkin cheesecake.

Which by the way, turned out to be freaking delicious. I may or may not have eaten half of it on my own and blamed a drunk Levi.

"I am!" I was truly over him. I believed so anyway. "I'm concluding that it's just leftover sexual tension." That was probably it. Things had almost went that far with Brett, and so I'll always wonder how it could've been.

"Whatever you say, Whit."

"You don't believe me?" I was appalled.


"Come on." Try, try again.

"Sorry." She shrugged and seemed set on her decision. "Enjoy your bad sex life all because you're oblivious and stubborn. Meanwhile, I'll be across the hall rocking your brother's bed." She perked up and walked towards the door.

"You're sick." I shuddered from just the thought of them. It was one thing to hear Levi in bed many other times, but when you know your friend who you hug and share drinks with is in there, it becomes deeply disturbing.

There was no way that I had any feelings left over for Brett. He broke me and let me down. I wouldn't be one of those naive girls that holds onto the thought of someone like that.

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