17 - Cat Boy

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Dedicating this chapter to becca_is_awesome for being an amazing reader and voting on what I think was practically every chapter of my other book 'Turning into a Ten.' Thank you! You truly are awesome!

I can't even express how thankful all of us Wattpad writers are when you guys vote/comment on our stories. It is the best way you guys can show your support and make us want to keep going! Thank you so much! :)


Chapter 17 - Cat Boy

There isn't any tension between Brett and Melony, not since they talked. Though they aren't exactly lovey dovey either. They haven't kissed more than just a peck from Brett to Melony's cheek, and aside from that, they haven't touched more than Melony placing her hand on Brett's back.

Would I love to know what went down in their talk? Yes. However, along with being detached from Brett, Melony has also been detached from the rest of us.

"What do you think that's all about?" Levi nudged me from his place on the log.

"Not sure." I acted dumb founded as if I never saw Melony on that guy's lap last night.

"It's probably her fault." Levi whispered on. "That girl is always fucking up."

"I don't understand it."

"Understand what?" Levi looked confused.

"I had originally thought she was the perfect girl. Pretty, polite. polished, ya know?"

"She used to be according to Brett." Levi shrugged.

"Yeah, that's what he told me too."

We continued to watch them for a while. They were at a concession tent getting food before we headed back by the stage.

Brett was juggling some cardboard baskets of fries, while trying to simultaneously squirt ketchup on them. Meanwhile, Melony was just looking around, hand on her hip, seeming to be in a different world.

"What a bitch." Levi spoke again and I let out a little laugh.

I stood up and brushed some dirt off the back of my legs. "I'm going to go help him out."

I smiled at Levi and headed towards Brett.

Melony was staring off in the other direction when I approached Brett. "Here, let me help." I took one of the baskets from him and the bottle of ketchup.

"Thanks." He sounded irritated, and I can't blame him. I would be too.

"What is she looking for?" She was obviously focused on something.

"Who knows."

"Melony?" I spoke up.

"Yeah?" She responded but continued gazing off.

"You okay?"

"Finally!" Melony jumped up excitedly and hurried in the other direction, startling both Brett and I.

Suddenly she turned around and ran back to me. "You stay right here Whitney!"

Okay then.

Brett gave me a questioning look and I rolled my lips in, not knowing the answer.

After a few minutes, Melony could be seen walking back towards us with a guy following her.

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