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Taki's Pov:

I really do not want to go to Earth. It is simple as that...

But, go figure, they need help to destroy Kronos again. Fantastic. But, if I'm going to be totally honest, I'm afraid that my past will catch up and break me down, and I can't let that happen. Especially in front of Poseidon's new favorite kid. I don't want that jerk to know who I am, or give him more leverage against me. Actually, I don't want anyone to know. I just can't think of a camper who won't use it against me.

Well, maybe Nico and Will won't. They were the last ones to talk to me before I left Camp, where they promised that they would always be there for me. I really hope they meant it. When I get to Earth, I am going to show them my true identity, and if they betray me. I will have to erase their memories of my reveal.

I was startled out of my thoughts by a knock on my bedroom door. I opened it to find Luke, looking anxious and impatient.

"Are you almost ready?" Luke asks frantically, rubbing his arm.

I sigh "Yeah, just want to make sure I have a few extra of those magic hoodies and jackets. Like I said before, I can't have anybody find out who I am. I may have to do most of the talking, but I can live with that as long as they can't see my face or my arms."

"Are you sure you don't want to show anyone?" He asks

"Maybe, Nico and Will. They told me that I could always trust them, and now is the time to test that promise." I state

"If they lied to you?" Luke questions

"Just erase their memories of me showing them. I could handle it if they betrayed me once, but if anyone else found out? I don't think I would be able to live with their malice..." I mumble

He nods. "I see. Anyways, I came to tell you that Chaos is going to open the portal in about 5 minutes."

"Can I walk there with you? And, well, I should warn you that my breakdowns will probably get worse on Earth. Heck, I might even have a panic attack..." I growl and look at the ground

"Yeah, you can walk with me. Percy, if you do have a panic attack, just go to your room, and let us know so that we can help you." Luke says putting his hand on my shoulder.

I smile and look back at him. "Sounds good to me. And please don't call me Percy on Earth. Call me Taki, as I do recall notifying you that I changed my name to Taki."

"Yeah, you did tell us. Chaos also gave us a good talking to about how we're not allowed to say Percy on Earth." Luke smiles.

"Thanks for talking to me. Now let's get going." I state walking to my door and opening it.

Luke and I entered the meeting room, only to find that the others were already there. After a small chat, I learned that they had been doing charades for the last 15 minutes. I was still laughing when Chaos came in.

"Are you guys ready?" Chaos asks

"Almost. One more reminder guys, on Earth I am Taki, not Percy." I remind them all.

"We'll remember, Taki," Bianca says rolling her eyes.

"Now I am ready," I growl turning toward where the portal will be. I am going to hate this...

"Excellent. Travelling through the portal will bring you to Mount Olympus immediately. The Gods do know that help will arrive today, they just do not know when." Chaos chuckles

"I think we're all ready, so let's get going!" Bianca shouts, excitedly.

"One more thing, then you may go on your way. Pull up your hoods now. As I said before, you have the choice of showing your identity to a select few. But everyone needs to know you are Chaos' army, not just reincarnations of your past life." Chaos instructs.

Luke bites his lips and looks at me. "Will they all hate me for what I did?"

I pat Luke on the back. "No, Luke. You were remembered as a hero. You gave your life to kill Kronos, and no one thinks of you as a monster because of it."

"Okay. I think... I am ready to go now." He states standing taller with more confidence.

Chaos smiles "I will contact you telepathically if I have any crucial matters to bring forward."

"Okay, Chaos Army, move out!" I shout, in a demandingly playful voice.

After pulling our hoods securely over our heads, we all jumped through the portal at once. I only got a glimpse of the Olympus I once knew before I was shoved to the floor. My immediate reaction was to punish my attacker until I realized that it was Luke, who fell on me involuntarily.

Sadly, the pile of bodies only grew, as Beckendorf, Silena, Zoë, and Bianca tripped over our fallen figures.

There goes our calculated and deadly status.

We all stood up laughing, not caring what the inhabitants of Olympus though. Well, until the supreme lord of stupidity started talking.

"Who are you! And what are you doing here?" Zeus stands up, yelling at us.

Hey, people! It's MarineD here, and I just finished updating this chapter as of 7-29-17! Please do not blame LueLue for any typos. Instead, please blame the crappy library computer I edited this story on.


-The Supreme Editor

{Editing} Betrayed... Then Death...( Percy Jackson Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now