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Taki's Pov:

Everything was going good, till we were so rudely interrupted, the thing is it wasn't a person who interrupted us, it was the ground. It started to shake, violently. I ended up pulling Annabeth under me, to keep her safe. The earthquake lasted for about ten minutes, then it suddenly stopped. I lifted up my head and to see there was a giant hole in the ground about a yeard away from me.

"Guys get away from that hole!" I shout when I start to see things crawl out of it. Everyone gets behind me. I pull out riptide, ready to fight the monsters.

"He was right under our noses, you said he died." I hear a voice shout. I look around trying to pinpoint the sound.

"He was dead, both Hades and Nico said so!" That sounded like Order. I take a step forward.

"Order, show yourself!" I scream into the sky. I then mentally start to prepare the water to come to me if needed.

Everything goes silent and the monster, which I could see where dirt, like Gaea's monsters.

"You didn't...." I trail off as the first monster comes close to hitting me. I hit back and I cut off its dirt head and it crumbles to the ground. "ORDER! You didn't!? I shout and I start to kill all of the monsters. I kill around a dozen when Order and the other voice show themselves. Order was with Kronos was expected.

I narrow my eyes and use the lake water to drive the rest of the dirt monsters back into the hole.

"Wow, that is impressive Perseus. You have gotten stronger since the last time we had an encounter." Kronos chuckles.

I feel myself growl and I go to make my way towards them when Annabeth grades a hold of my arm and pulls me back. "I'm not losing you again Percy." She states with a death grip on my arm.

I back up with her back to the group.

"Percy aren't these the people that betrayed you," Kronos chuckles. My wall of water grows as I feel my self-heat up with anger.

"No, they were under mind tricks. They minds trick who was created by your little pet Kronos." I growl.

"I would be careful with those words of your Percy." Order threatens.

"Awe did I hurt the God of Destruction feelings." I chuckle and look back at my water wall and make it feel the hole.

Both Kronos and Order looked panicked when I did that. I smirk.

"Reyna, plan of action?" I ask

"Percy I have no idea. They are Gods, one of them is stronger that almost all of the three put together. You know is there a way to pull out what was in that hole?" Reyna asks

" It will take a bit out of me, but I can dig around," I state and close my eyes lowering the water. Then suddenly I could see again, but I wasn't seeing the camp. I was seeing underground. I keep my focus though. I could hear a bit of the conversation that was happening with Order and Kronos but other words everything part of my being felt like it was underground with the water.

Suddenly I come up with a bright light, I go towards it and see something I thought we would never have to deal with again. I saw Gaea and she was looking dead at me.

"Well, Percy Jackson how did you get down here?" She asks, which sends a chill down my spine.

"Um, I um.." I stutter

"Awe the poor man can't figure out his words. Let me help you out there Percy." She growls, and evil look in her eyes. I go to turn around, but the way was blocked. And I felt the oxygen slowly leave my body. I feel my self-grab in my throat. Gaea laughs.

I open my eyes and I fall to the ground, still not able to breathe.

"Percy!?" Annabeth freaks out and I finally start to cough. I start to cough up water.

"I saw Gaea, she is with them," I state when I get my breath back.

"So you saw her." Order questions.

"Yes, I did. How did you wake her up!" I shout.

"That is something you may never find out ." Order chuckles.

I growl. "You will not win, you can't beat us!"

Kronos laughs and disappears, "That we will have to see won't we."

Order smirks and disappears as well.

I turn around to face the Gods and Campers, "You know the training plans, make a straight line and we will split you into the two groups. Then the trainers at the campers will then spilled you into three different groups and we will rotate. We need to start getting ready no more goofing off. " I state with so much authority that Zeus doesn't even hesitate to get in the line.

We number off the into the two groups then we go our separate ways. We have beat you before we can again.

{Editing} Betrayed... Then Death...( Percy Jackson Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now