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Luke's Pov:

Taki looked more out of it than he should of, he was whispering thing to himself, and limping around because of the pain that he still in. Yet he looked like he could kill anything. He looked fierce, even though you couldn't see half of his body, because of the hoodie and jackets.

After jumping through the portal, we landed on the Athena table in the Mess Hall. Lucky it wasn't Dinner time or we would have been covered in food.

All of the campers sat in shock for a moment. After that, the riot started. Taki didn't hesitate to take a stand to show that he had power. To show them that he was a leader and our commander. "Calm the freak down! We are here to help you. A new threat has risen, but we might reconsider it if you don't sit the freak back down!"

"A threat?!" one of the campers yelled.

Taki looked in the direction of where the voice came. He got off the table and walked closer to where he heard the voice. He looked at one of the campers dead in the eyes, The camper started to sweat. Taki chuckled a little bit, knowing he found the right camper. Then glared at him, " Why don't you be an example, sit down, calm down. Then we will tell you."

Everyone calmed down, We were now standing by Chiron. He looked at Taki. "Will you guys explain yourself now?"

Taki nodded and took a step forward. "We are the Chaos army, Zeus made a mistake and now we have to deal with Kronos again. So Zeus asked us to come down and help the camps to make sure we don't lose as many lives." He elaborated, and once he said Kronos everyone sighed.Everything was quiet and Taki took a breath to talk, but Annabeth stood up.

"Okay Kronos has risen, but why should we trust you. Your hiding your identities," Annabeth shouts, I see Taki flinch slightly.

"Miss, if you would be patient. That was going to be the next thing I would have said." Taki scoffed and gestured to Bianca.

She nodded and took off her hoodie. There was a gasp, and Nico was up by her side in a flash.

"You were dead...Percy told us that you were...how...how?" Nico stuttered out.

"Little bro calm down, breath. I was invited into the army, so Chaos gave me life again."

Nico actually smiles and hugs Bianca. I feel myself smiling.

"I am just really, happy you are here again."

Nico embraced Bianca, she smiled and hugged him back.

Taki then gestured for Silena to step forward.

"First of I am sorry." She then takes off her hood and smiles. "I have missed you all."

Clarisse smiles, " Silena the past is in the past, we have missed you too." She walks up on stage and hugs Silena.

Soon everyone's identities were known, It was gonna be my turn. I was terrified. And because of that reason I was hiding behind Taki.

"Luke, You are forgiven. Go forward. Everything will be okay." Taki states calmingly and pushes me forward.

I nod and take a breath, "Thank you."

"There is no need to thank me." Taki smiles and steps behind me.

I take off my hoodie, and a gasp runs through the crowd. I tense up, "Hello everyone..." I whisper. "I am so sorry...." I start but Annabeth cuts me off.

"We forgave you a long time ago, welcome back to Camp-Half Blood, everyone." Annabeth starts then glare over in Taki's direction. "You didn't introduce your self."

Taki facepalms, "Why do I keep doing this, My name is Taki, sorry I like to stay in the back. It shows respect to the army."

"No, you just don't want people to know that You are the leader of the Chaos army." I smile, " Taki is the one that chose the army he is the reason why all of us are standing here right now."

"Okay, yes that is true..." Taki states rubbing his neck.

"Why don't you show us your face?" Clarrise asks like a spoiled brat would.

"Because I don't want to, the other wanted to show you. But I don't so, looks like you are going to have to get used to seeing this black hoodie over my face and hands." Taki growls

Annabeth puts her hands on her hips, "Well then why should we trust you then?"

"Luke, Bianca, Charles, Zoë, and Silena all trust me, so why should you. not trust me?" Taki states, twisting the question back to her.

"Fine! Now back to Kronos?" Annabeth snaps.

Taki nods and looks at everyone. "I have already said that Kronos was back, but we think he might have company."

"Okay, why would you think that?" Chiron asks

"Taki well had an encounter with them...it was not pretty. So he is really strong." Zoe

"We are pretty sure his name is Order. That is what he said his name was. And Chaos claimed him as his brother. So Order." Taki rambles.

"I want to know what you mean by encounter? How do you know he is strong, you never met him?" Annabeth questions.

"He took control of my soul, I talked to him." Taki mumbles.

He was looking at the ground, He was twitching. He was in pain, and it wasn't just physical pain.

Annabeth pushes on even further, "How did he take control of your soul? Did you see him? When did it happen? How..."

"Annabeth Chase! I saw him, he looked me dead in the eyes as he ran a knife down my arms. He cursed me with pain! I am still in pain because he didn't just use any knife! Are you happy know. Your thirst for knowledge complete!?" Taki screams, right in Annabeth's face.

The whole camp went silent. No one moved a muscle. Until Taki sighed. "I hope you're happy..."

"Annabeth, Taki took on a lot of pain to get us down here. He got stabbed beaten by Order. We are here to help you so if anyone dies it is us. Your lives are more important because we already lived ours out. But we got a second chance and this is how you thank us. By being a snob."

"I don't trust him," Annabeth growls, looking at the ground.

"You don't trust me. You don't trust the fact that I took a beating. That we are here to help?" Taki asks. Looking at Annabeth.

"I think you are fake, that of all people Luke should have been a leader. Taki, the man that will not show us his face." Annabeth had her arms across her chest, and she was glaring at Taki.

Taki sighed and rolled up his sleeves. "There are more on my legs. I have bruises on my back. You don't have to trust me. But I would like some respect. Thank you." Taki states, his head high. Then he walks away into the woods. I went to go follow. Instead, I glared at Annabeth.

"Taki gave us another life, another chance. We are able to see you all again. And this is how you treat him Annabeth. Taki was right... none of you deserve to know his identity." I state sadly and walk after Taki.

But then I relived something, Taki never showed us the scars after it happened. And he always wore long sleeve shirts in general so even when Order was hurting him. We couldn't see the marks. When Taki rolled up his sleeves...Order wrote something...

{Editing} Betrayed... Then Death...( Percy Jackson Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now