'Chapter' #2

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Kadence’s Question/Dare: Shakai, do you support LGBT/Gay Pride? Also, I dare Shoria and Kaos to play Seven Minutes in Heaven

*The group is sitting in the room, bored out of their minds. Whisp comes in, waving her phone around in the air.*

Whisp: Guys, guys! So, I just got here from school, and guess who texted me! KADENCE! I told her about what we were doing here and she had both a question and a dare!

Scrape: Kadence?! I HAVEN’T SEEN HER IN SUPER LONG! How is she?

Whisp: She’s fine.

Lucarian: That’s a relief. She seemed nice when we met, I don’t want her to be hurt.

Quinn: Well, what are you waiting for?! Read it to us!

Whisp: Okay. *clears throat* “Shakai, do you support LGBT/Gay Pride? Also, I dare Shoria and Kaos to play Seven Minutes in Heaven :3.” *bursts out laughing at the mention of Seven Minutes in Heaven* Oh, this’ll be fun.

Shoria and Kaos: *blush* WHAT?!

Scrape: *speaks in between bursts of laughter* YASSS! Hehe, Karia- hehe- for the win, hahahaha!!

Kaos: SHUT UP, EM!

Whisp: *smirks evilly* Okay you two, into the closet!! *pushes Kaos and Shoria towards the closet*

Shoria: Wait, since when was THAT there?!

Whisp: *shoves the two in the closet, shutting the door and locking it* Now then. *turns back to the group* Shakai, you need to answer that question.

Shakai: Yes, I do support it. Gays are people too, and they should be allowed to be themselves.

Whisp: Good answer. Now, if you don’t mind… *presses ear to closet door*


Shoria: *flops down next to the door* Great. Just great. This is officially the most awkward situation I’ve ever been in! *throws hands up in the air* I can’t believe we agreed to start this. It’s only the second ask/dare section, and already we’re being put in a freaking closet! *sighs in exasperation*

Kaos: *presses his back up against the wall* You think you’re the only one feeling the extreme awkwardness that’s going on here!? I’m honestly starting to doubt my choice to join this freaking thing anyways. First Hunter’s dare, and now this… um, what is ‘seven minutes in heaven’ anyways!?

Shoria: Oh gods, how am I supposed to explain this… basically, two people get locked in a closet. Following?

Kaos: *nods* So far, yes.

Shoria: So, how this is supposed to go if it’s a boy and a girl is… well…

Kaos: Go on…

Shoria: I can’t believe I’m about to say this… they expect us to kiss. All of it’s basically just a game to hook people up… and I hate it. *sighs*

Kaos: *starts blushing madly and closes his eyes, looking away from Shoria* I hate this already. Who in Skylands would have the audacity to put ME, no, US through this kind of torture!?

Shoria: Those who ship us, apparently. And unfortunately, one of those people is Kadence. Downright absurd, I tell you, this is downright absurd!

Kaos: Note to self, when I become ruler of all of the Multiverse, destroy every single being, DEAD OR ALIVE, who support this stupid ship. *groans*

Shoria: I’m with ya. Just the fact this is even a thing makes me want to vomit.

Kaos: Ditto. *sticks his tongue out*

Shoria: *looks around the room before looking back at Kaos* We still have about five minutes. What are we supposed to do?

Kaos: *shrug* Beats me. Just sit and wait for this ‘pleasant’ dare to be over and done with?

Shoria: Great, now I’m gonna have to do this… *leans in towards Kaos and kisses him*

Kaos: *eyes wide and blushing even more* I-I thought we were trying to avoid that entire ‘kissing’ thing?

Shoria: I almost never keep my promises anymore, hehe…

Kaos: I-In that case… *kisses Shoria back*

Shoria: *cups his face with her hands*

Whisp: *opens the door, snapping a picture before the two could pull apart* I GOT IT! I GOT THE PICTURE!!!!

Kaos: *pulls away from Shoria* What the… ERIN!!!

Whisp: *smirks and runs*

Shoria: GET BACK HERE, YOU SORRY EXCUSE FOR A PROXY!! *sprints after Whisp*

Kaos: *stumbled out after them* YOU’RE GONNA BE SORRY YOU EVER DID THAT, ERIN!

Whisp: How many times do I have to tell you, CALL ME ELAINA!!! Jeez, hehe!!


Scrape: *pouts* Hey! It’s mine too!

Shoria: Then I’ll destroy you BOTH!!

Kaos: Save some for me! HAHAHAHA!


Lucarian: *shakes head* I cannot believe you four.

*Scrape bolts out of the room, her tail between her legs. Followed by Whisp and in close pursuit from Kaos and Shoria. The mabu camera crew followed them out soon after.*

Quinn: Well. That's a wrap, I guess. *smiles at camera* See you all next time!

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