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Join Scrape, Whisp, Lucarian, Quinn and many others from the book Skylanders: Second Leaf (and many others) as they embark on a wacky, weird adventure-like... thing in which they'll answer questions and do...
Scrape: Hey, everyone! Scrape here! Kaos is in the background, doing... Something. So, if you hear any loud noises, just ignore it. I'll settle things with him later. *looks over her shoulder to Kaos* Kaos! You better not be breaking anything over there!
Kaos: *yells back* We're not!
Scrape: *looks back at the camera, smiling but rolling her eyes* Oh Kaos... Anyhoo, that's not what I'm here to discuss. Today, I'd just like to talk a little about the past 'chapter' (parts one and two). I was meaning to write and post them a while ago, around my birthday, that's why the date in part two is in the past. My schedule just conflicted with that plan, so... yeah. I posted them now. But, don't worry. The timeline is back up to the present and everything will be going as planned-
Scrape: *looks over* Kaos! Could you keep it down? I'm trying to talk.
Kaos: Sorry! *cough* Not *cough cough*
Scrape: Heh. Sorry about him. Told you guys there would be noise. Today wasn't the best day to film. *sigh* I also wanted to clear up a few other things in this announcement. My attitude in those chapters... Was my attitude around that time, yes. My emotions were just kind of... haywire, I guess. So, I found it was best to try and shut them off. I mean, they still are haywire, but I'm doing better. My friends in reality and otherwise helped with that!
Scrape: *winces, but tryes her best to stay concentrated* And, yes. I did actually have a Halloween themed surprise party. It was awesome! Thank you to everyone who took time to make my day with that. You all know who you are. *smiles* And... Yes. I did end up breaking down in tears during that too. I was just so happy, and overwhelmed all at once.
Kaos: Scrape!
Scrape: *looks over* Yeah?
Kaos: You told me you were going to do one last thing here. Remember? *smirks*
Scrape: Erm... Uh, I have no clue what you're talking about, Kaos-
Kaos: No backing out this time, kitty. Do it. I dare you.
Scrape: *groan* Welp. I'm doomed. As Kaos was saying, I did want to do one last thing here. *deep breath* Face reveal time!
Kaos: YES!
Scrape: Why are you so happy? You see me all the time.
Kaos: Not the way you look on the regular old earth you call home in reality.
Scrape: *sigh* I guess... Alright. Here I go. Three. Two. One. FACE REVEAL!
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...KAOS!!!! Is That What You Were Doing Over There!?
Kaos: *snickers* No. *bursts into laughter* That fail was on your part, idiot!
Scrape: *rolls eyes* We're doing this again, are we? Fine. Here we go. Three. Two. One. FACE REVEAL (for real this time)!
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Yes. I am secretly Zane Ro'maeve. Gods, I hate my face. Do I have to do this?
Kaos: YES! For actual really this time.
Scrape: That grammer tho.
Kaos: *glare* Take the stupid photo.
Scrape: But- But- I didn't comb my hair!
Kaos: You never comb your hair. Do it.
Scrape: I- uh, I got a sunburn today!
Kaos: Then tell them you got a sunburn today and take the stupid photo.
Scrape: I- uh, no! I'm not prepared for this!!!
Kaos: Do it.
Scrape: NO!
Kaos: DO IT!
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THERE! ACK! The lighting's horrible and my face looks ugly and what the heck is happening with my neck!? Gods! Alright everyone. Go ahead and unfollow me. I is now ded due to completely embarrassing photo you see above.
Kaos: Why are you wearing a cat ear?
Scrape: *pout* Because I can...
Kaos: Eh. It's not that cringey. *pats Scrape on the back lightly* At least it's not as bad as the first one.