'Chapter' #9: ~SPRING BREAK~

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*Kaos sat in the classroom, watching the clock tick down second by second. The teacher was rambling on about something, but Kaos had blocked him out ages ago. All Kaos cared about now was getting out of here before his brain melted out of his ears from boredom and anticipation. Kaos glanced over at Shoria, who was staring out the window. Out at the grounds in the blazing, warm sunlight. Kaos looked back to the clock*

Kaos: *under his breath* Come on class, end already... I can't wait any longer!

Shoria: I wish I could be out there right now...

Kaos: Soon... come on bell, just ring!

Teacher: Okay, class.

Kaos: Ten...

Teacher: This concludes...

Kaos: Nine...

Teacher: Today's class.

Shoria: *looks over at the clock and starts counting down with Kaos* Eight...

Teacher: I hope that you all got down sufficient notes...

Kaos: Seven...

Shoria: Six...

Teacher: For the test when we get back...

Kaos: Five...

Shoria: Four...

Teacher: From...

Kaos: Three...

Shoria: Two...

Meyhem: *leans over Kaos' shoulder* One...

Teacher: Sp-

Kaos: *jumps out of his seat* ZERO! SPRING BREAK, HERE I COME! *dashes out of the room in a frenzy*

Shoria: *follows after him*

Meyhem: Gotta go! *bolts out of the room after them*


Kaos: Here's to a successful first half at the Academy!

*Kaos, Meyhem and Shoria were sitting in Kaos' room, on the floor. A picnic of sorts spread out in front of them. They could hear the sound of the other trainees outside, fooling around like there was no tomorrow. Children...*

Shoria: *pumps fist in the air* SPRING BREAK, SPRING BREAK!! Ah, it feels like an eternity since the last one!

Kaos: I think it has been an eternity since my last one.

Meyhem: Can you even remember the last time you went to school?

Kaos: *thinks for a few minutes* ...yep. *shutters*

Meyhem: *takes a bite of sandwich*

Shoria: Who cares. It's Spring Break now! The past is in the past!

Meyhem: It's beautiful outside... *stares out window absentmindedly*

Kaos: *looks outside* It is a beautiful day outside... birds are singing. Flowers are blooming-

Shoria: Kaos. Quit it with the references. Or do you want a bad time?

Kaos: Now, who's the one making references? *snickers*

Shoria: But, really. Meyhem's right. It is a beautiful day... *smirks* You thinking what I'm thinking?

Meyhem: O-Oh no... you guys...

Kaos: *sneers* Hell yeah! *jumps to his feet* Plotting on how to mess up the Poser Masters lives?

Shoria: And meddling in the lives of our fellow trainees?!


Meyhem: *facepalm* You two... *smiles warmly, shaking her head*

Kaos: I'll set up the interface, you work on hiding the cameras! *runs over to desk*

Shoria: Eye eye! *picks up bag that's lying on the ground and bolts outside*


Scrape: *watching the two race around like madmen while Meyhem's just sitting on the ground, shaking her head. Exasperated but still smiling. Scrape grins and turns towards camera* Well, while those two are busy getting ready for Spring Break and all the fun it's gonna bring... I have some plans of my own... *gets up and walks out. Enters her room. One of the walls is covered entirely in drawings* BEHOLD! MY WALL OF SHIPS! And the two I will be trying to make come true this Spring break will be... *closes eyes and points to two random papers* #Meyrel and #Karia! OOH! This is gonna be SWEEEEET! For those of you who don't know, #Meyrel is Meyhem plus Kyrel. And, all of you should know Karia by now. Sorry, #Kyria fans! I'm sinking that ship this Spring Break! *glances over at desktop which is open to skype* THAT MEANS YOU ILLA!

Illa: Drat. Foiled again. *turns off her skype*

Scrape: *looks towards camera* That's all for now, folks! If you have a question or dare for any of us here, feel free to comment down below with your ideas! Hope you enjoyed this 'chapter'! We hope to be getting back to you soon. But, for now... we're signing off. Caio~!

*whispers* #Karia and #Meyrel for teh wiiin.

Illa: *blinks back onto the screen* NOOOOOOOO! #KYRIA!

Scrape: NEVER! MWAHAHAHA! *derps Scrape mode activate*

Scrape: NEVER! MWAHAHAHA! *derps Scrape mode activate*

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