'Chapter' #12 ~#TehTagsRFurRealz~

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*Scrape sat alone in the control room, enjoying the weekend while it lasted. She sat in her chair, head tilted to the ceiling. A blissful smile on her face. That was when her phone went off.*

Phone: *nyan cat theme song plays loudly*

Scrape: ACK! WHAT!? Oh... it's just you. *pulls out phone* What is it now? Oh? I've been tagged...? *glances around* *quietly screams in triumph and jumps to her feet* Welp! I know what I'm doing today! Now... who shall I forced to do it with me? Hmm... Kaos did it with me last time, so I can't choose him. Meyhem's off doing repairs to Cytronic. Angelo is helping Metaltaur heal from Cytronic's attack yesterday. Metaltaur's incapacitated at the moment *snickers*. I guess it's just me today then-

*It was at that moment someone crashed through the door and fell to the ground*

Scrape: *glances over at them and immediately narrows her eyes* You... what are you doing here?!

????: *looks up from the floor, then jumps to its feet, frantic. Glancing around wildly*

Scrape: *sighs and rolls eyes* What is it now, Lilith.

Lilith: *panting* It's... nothing... important...

Scrape: *walks up to Lilith* What. Happened.

Lilith: Kristen was antagonizing Century and she just... flipped. We bolted, but Flame separated us and-

Scrape: *shaking her head, smiling slightly* Well, as long as you're here... *grabs Lilith by the arm and drags her into the control room*

Lilith: Wait- what!?

Scrape: I've been tagged, and I feel more comfortable doing tags with others so, I guess you're part of Ask/Dare now!

Lilith: No, no. Scrape. Really, I can't. Kaos told me about this-

Scrape: You and Kaos are talking again?

Lilith: Well... no. He mentioned it when he was screaming at me to get lost.

Scrape: Ah. Welp, anywho! You're joining me whether you like it or not! *grins*

Lilith: *sigh* Fiiine... what's the first question?

Scrape: *ahem* "Favorite Song?"

Lilith: Easy. Sarcasm. Nightcore version if possible.

Scrape: Really?

Lilith: I'm not as innocent as I seem, kitty.

Scrape: ...you don't seem innocent...

Lillith: *glare* *eyes glowing red*

Scrape: Moving on! I would have to say mine is... erm... TOO MANY TO CHOOSE FROM! *starts screaming*

Lilith: ...what... the... nevermind. *grabs phone from Scrape* The next one is, "Favorite Sport?"

Scrape: That mini hockey game. The one you play with the small sticks on your knees? Yeah, that one. Me and my friend use that to reenact Undertale battles!

Lilith: Nerd.

Scrape: -_- Shut up.

Lilith: Okay, my turn! Um... does assassin work count as a sport?

Scrape: ...you know what? Let's just leave this one. *grabs phone back* "Favorite Band?" I can't choose between Fallout Boy, P!ATD, Imagine Dragons, Paramore, My Chemical Romance, Twenty One Pilots, Bastille, Melanie Martinez, and all of the rest of them. The list goes on for about *glances at wrist* an hour or so.

Lilith: My favorite would have to be... please say NightcoreReality counts?

Scrape: We'll say it does.

Timeline Convergence - Act One (Ask/Dare)Where stories live. Discover now