'Chapter' #8

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Alonesomewolf's question/dare: Just for that Kaos... *holds up a 'Kaos' sized banana costume and tossed it to Scrape and Whisp* you're going to wear that and do the banana song yourself! Aso... there shall be demands from my OC so look out haha!

Scrape: Gather 'round everybody! Today's the day!

Quinn: Yep! Today's the day!

Whisp: We're finally gonna do this!

Lucarian: ...this should be interesting.

*It was finally the fateful day. Everyone stood in the Academy foyer as the four Portal Masters addressed the crowd of trainees. The crowd was made up of Shoria, Kyrel, Shade, Mammagma, Ringmaster, Metaltaur, Angelo, Meyhem (and Cytronic, of course) and Shakai. Scrape, Whisp, Lucarian and Quinn stood up at the front. Ready to announce today's dare. Everyone was bursting anticipation. Everyone... accept Kaos. The little Portal Master was nowhere to be seen. At the moment, Scrape knew this was for the best*

Kyrel: Well! Don't leave us hanging! What's the big news!?

Whisp: *glances over at Scrape and smirks*

Scrape: *grins back, then turns to face the crowd* TRAINEES! Hold your breath no longer! For, we shall finally announce what the heck we are all gathered here today for!

Whisp: Yes. Something very important has occurred in the past week or so. Something that will impact history for years to come! A million years in the future, when we are considered to be Ancients, they will speak of this day...

Scrape: ...and burst out into fits of laughter.

*crowd explodes into loud chatter*

Ringmaster: So, what is it? We all enjoy a good laugh.

Shakai: Come on! Just tell us!

Mammagma: Quit postponing it!

Shade: My comrades are right... spill the beans!

Shoria: Come on, you guys! You can't just lead us on like this!


Cytronic: *the sound of gears grinding*

Metaltaur: We require answers!

Angelo: Finding out soon would be nice.



Lucarian: *steps forward* Getting back on track here. *clears throat as crowd settles down* Recently, we have received a new Ask/Dare topic. One that involves all of us. We are all linked through this. Not directly to the comment, of course, but because of the topic of the dare. Scrape and Whisp believe, even though we were not all mentioned, this is a group effort. *looks over at Quinn* Our dear friend Quinn here has initiated the dare. Quinn? Mind explaining the rest?

Quinn: Not at all, Luca-kun! *smiles chipperly* You see, earlier this week, I put in a special request. We have been setting this up for a while, and we are finally ready. Ready for the shenanigans of my very special dare for a VERY special person we all know. Some of us positively hate him. Some of us our impartial towards him. Some of us... *glances at Shoria* well, let's just say, have.. other feelings towards him.

Shoria: *blushes* Oh no...

Kyrel: *smirked* Oh, yes.

Quinn: I can tell by the looks on all of your faces, you already have figured out who I'm talking about. The tiny tyrant. Kaos.

Timeline Convergence - Act One (Ask/Dare)Where stories live. Discover now