'Chapter' #14

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Kaos' Question/Dare: (*deep breath* Alright. Here I go...) WHISP AND SCRAPE! As payback for making us to Seven Minutes in Heaven, Shoria and I dare you two to be locked in a closet together for at least seven minutes. AND YOU'RE NOT COMING OUT UNTIL I SAY SO! MWAHAHAHA! *cough* *cough* damn, not *cough* again...

*It was a regular day in the Control Room... aside from the fact that it was basically split into two sides. The side of the characters controlled/created by Scrape and the side of characters controlled/created by Whisp. The two creators themselves were at opposite sides of the room. Scrape was sitting silently in her spinning chair, though she was stationary at the moment. Listening to something (probably P!ATD) on her phone. Her face was slightly splotched red, like she had been crying. Whisp, on the other end (literally) was sitting with her back facing Scrape's side. Her arms folded in front of her chest. A slightly vexed look on her face. Lucarian and Quinn stood in the middle of the room, confused as heck as to what was going on. Though, they weren't the only ones. Mostly everyone was confused by this behaviour... mostly. Two individuals knew what was going on, and planned to put an end to it. Kaos glanced up from his book on the properties of the elements and looked over at Shoria, who met his gaze head on. The two nodded at each other. A silent signal. Their plan was to begin in three... two...*

Kaos: NOW! *jumps to his feet*

Scrape: *looks up from phone* Wait- What!?

Shoria: We're tired of this feud! We've got something new for you two.

Kaos: *smirks* For a clue, check your phone, kitty.

Scrape: *before she can do anything, Kaos grabs her and pushes her into the closet*

Shoria: *jerks Whisp off her seat and pushes her into the closet as well*

Kaos: Have fun! *cackles and slams the door shut*

Scrape: *hears a lock click*

Whisp: *starts to bang on the door* Hey! Let me out!

Kaos: *yells through door* Not until you two idiots make up! We're sick of this attitude between you two! Make up, or stay trapped in there with each other! Either outcome is fine with me.

Scrape: *silently brings up Wattpad and checks the latest comment on the Ask/Dare book* Oh gods... Kaos, why...

Whisp: *brings up Wattpad and checks the latest comment, then throws her phone to the other side of the closet* DAMMIT!

Scrape: *takes earbuds out of her ears* Well... now what? *looks over at Whisp* We're stuck in here... together... and the rules of Ask/Dare clearly state that we must comply with the Ask/Dare-er's request...

Whisp: *turns to face Scrape, glaring at her with a fire in her eyes*

Scrape: *draws back, gulping slightly* Or... we could just sit and wait here in silence until they cave outside and let us out... *sigh*

Kaos: *yells through the door* NEVER GONNA HAPPEN!

Whisp: *starts banging on the door again, more urgent this time*

Kaos: *backs up from the door slightly, but doesn't open it*

Scrape: ...

Whisp: *starts backing up, growling lowly*

Scrape: ...they're not going to let us out, Whisp... Kaos and Shoria are dead serious about this... besides, if my hunch is correct, this also kinda counts as revenge for the 'seven minutes in heaven' thing we made them do...

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