*For once, the Control Room was not in perfect order. Quite the opposite, really. Chairs were overturned. The table they sometimes had in there flipped over, leaning against the wall. Potted plants (which for some reason had been there when the carnage had taken place) were laying on their sides. Pots cracked. Contents strewn across the floor. As you probably had inferred already, it was school time once again. And the struggle that had occurred to cause this chaos had been the Creators' attempt at getting none other than the Tiny Tyrant back into the Academy. For one reason or another, this time around, he was less than eager to head back to the regular routine. The door was thrown open as the Creators stepped into the room. Covered in scratches and bruises. All looking less than enthusiastic... all except Scrape. She was positively beaming*
Lucarian: I've never seen Kaos act so... wild.
Whisp: Are you kidding? He's always an animal.
Quinn: *sigh* Not at that level. Ancients, what's gotten into him? Just a couple days ago he was ecstatic to be heading back.
Scrape: *shrugs, still grinning* No clue what got into him, but that was fun!
Lucarian: Fun? Scrape, I think your idea of fun is quite skewed.
Scrape: Come on, you guys! It's been such a long time since we had an adventure... of sorts.
Whisp: *stretches* I guess it was kind of fun.
Quinn: Still tiring, though.
Lucarian: *sighs* Well, I'm heading upstairs. Come get me if anything else happens. *walks up the stairs*
Scrape: *waves* Alright! See ya, Luca-kun!
Whisp: *flops down in the only chair that wasn't overturned*
Quinn: *begins cleaning up the carnage left behind* Did we ever get a leash for Kaos? I remember Shade and Mammagma mentioning something about that.
Whisp: It might be useful, now that you mention it.
Scrape: I'll look into it! *smiles, then lays down in the middle of the room* *phone starts going off* Ooh? What do we have here? *pulls out phone, then jumps to her feet* Yay! I got tagged! Welp, I'm off to get Kaos!
Whisp: Oh, no ya don't. We just got Kaos into the Academy. And last time he participated in a tag, well... let's just say it didn't go very well. So, if you're going to do it with someone; do it with someone who's NOT him.
Scrape: *pout* fine. I'll go find someone else to do it with.
Quinn: Have fun! Wait- you're actually listening to her?
Scrape: Why not. *shrug* She was the one who tagged me, after all. A while back, actually. I'm just saying I recieved it now so the viewers don't feel out of the loop.
Whisp: I highly doubt they care.
Scrape: I highly doubt I care.
Whisp: Touché.
Scrape: Well, I'm off! If Kaos ends up teleporting back again, just call me!
Quinn: *waves* Alright! See you later!
Scrape: *waves back and walks out the door*
*Scrape sat on a tree stump that resigned in the middle of the forest, glancing around as she held her phone in her hands; as if she was waiting for someone. That was when she heard a rustling in the bushes*
Scrape: Ah! There you are! Took you long enough.
*A small, black and grey striped cat jumped out of the bushes, then looked up at Scrape. A blank look on its face*

Timeline Convergence - Act One (Ask/Dare)
Fanfiction(Cover currently pending, please stand by) Join Scrape, Whisp, Lucarian, Quinn and many others from the book Skylanders: Second Leaf (and many others) as they embark on a wacky, weird adventure-like... thing in which they'll answer questions and do...