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Join Scrape, Whisp, Lucarian, Quinn and many others from the book Skylanders: Second Leaf (and many others) as they embark on a wacky, weird adventure-like... thing in which they'll answer questions and do...
*It was a quiet afternoon in the Control Room. Kaos sat alone at the control desk-thing, using the largest monitor to watch Invader Zim, while using the smaller ones to keep an eye on the others. Making sure they didn't get into any trouble. After all, that was his job and his alone. Without warning, Kaos heard the Nyan Cat theme song sound out through the control room*
Kaos: What the heck!? *pauses show and looks around for the source of the noise, finally realizing it's coming from something sitting on the control panel. Scrape's phone* *smirks* Well well... what do we have here? *picks up phone and turns it on, quickly getting through the lock screen. He looked over the home screen before opening the notifications with a slide of his finger* Tagged? Again? *glances around, then clicks on the notification* Well, Scrape has done enough of these for the year, I can assure you that. And... *glances over at screen which is currently fixed on the creators. Locked within the midst of a water fight* I can tell she's slightly occupied at the moment. So... let's take a look at this thing. *opens picture*
Kaos: Hmm... seems easy enough. Why not. *shrugs* Let's do this shiz! Number One ~ My current lock screen. Well, my phone is stupid and won't take screenshots, so I'll just post the picture I drew which I now use as the lockscreen.
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Kaos: Number Two ~ My current home screen. See picture above, since you're so curious. *growl* *ahem* Number Three ~ My current phone ringtone. Well, right now I'm fluctuating between my boss battle theme from Trap Team and my boss battle theme from Superchargers. They're both equally awesome, if I do say so myself. Which, I do. Number Four ~ Current battery percentage. Sixty Five percent. Happy now? Welp, clearly not since there are more questions... Number Five ~ Current anime watching. Well, I just finished One Punch Man, so now I'm watching Soul Eater and Fairy Tail with Scrape. Number Six ~ Devices you use to go on Wattpad? My phone and my laptop occasionally. Yes. I have a laptop. I made it myself. As well as my phone, but I used Scrape's as a reference for that one. Number Seven ~ Things you regret doing? Hmm... where do I start? You know what? No. I regret nothing. If I hadn't done all of those things, I would have never wound up here. And I would have never met Shoria... *ahem* I-I mean, all of my 'new friends' like Shade and Mammagma and Shakai and Kyrel and... well, Shoria, I guess. MOVING ON! Number Eight ~ My zodiac sign. Um... does the mark of the Darkness count? Other than that, I have no clue. Number Nine ~ Object obsession? Um... er... *glances down at petrified Darkness necklace* no clue. Heh, heh... *sigh* Number Ten ~ Favorite quote? I dunno... a quote? That I like? Heck if I know. "You will be DOOMED! DOOMED I TELL YOU, DOOOOMED!" I guess that one works.
Oh, now I have to tag ten other people. GREEAAT... Ancients, will this ever end? Well, I wanted to see what Scrape goes though, and now I do. Welp, here are the ten people I tag to go through the same agony as me. IvonaScribius Derp_Ninja Alonesomewolf (Yes. Either Quinn or Shakai works. Let's say... both, shall we?) Shade2800 SunlightUsagi Kawaii_Tammy Aaand... I got no one else. Let's say the people I tagged can tag other random people in the comments to do this. Kay? Kay. Good. Am I DONE yet? I am? Good. Good...
Welp, that's it for this tag. Ancients... I can see why Scrape always drags others into doing this with her. It's boring as heck. Ah well, I did it. Now you fools know a little more about me. Though, I don't know why you'd want to... and technically this was for Scrape... but, heck. I did it. Deal with it. *turns back to screen and unpauses show, stuffing his phone back in his pocket* Now, buzz off. I'm busy watching this show. This stupid, bug-eyed alien has theaudacity to steal my voice. I want to find out why. And... also... it's kinda a good show... NOW BUZZ OFF!