'Chapter' #18

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Dawnsky-the-writer's Question/Dare: Hey Scrape! One Portal Master to another, I think it's about time that your friends *cough cough KAOS SCRAPE cough* met mine... ya know, Rattle Shake... and I. If ya want, we could try something... I wanna see what happens.

*Last time on Ask/Dare the Charries... (dramatic music/Megalovania begins playing)*

*All was quiet and calm in the Control Room. Scrape, Quinn and Whisp sat around the Control Desk, chatting about their latest prank on the opposing forces. All seemed normal... until it dawned on all three... Lucarian was nowhere to be seen. Before any of them could speak up about the matter, their question was answered by a figure bursting through the door. All turned their heads to see Lucarian*

Lucarian: Girls. Now's not the time to chat. We have a problem on our hands.

Whisp: What?

Lucarian: Someone's infiltrated the Academy.


*Kaos sat in his room, on the edge of his bed, irritated beyond comprehension. His phone lying beside him, screen down. He had spent almost five minutes correcting the damage Scrape had done to it; and with every passing second, he had grown more and more angry at the humanoid feline. Kaos, now, was plotting his revenge on those idiotic Creators. He was about to reach a breakthrough, when all of a sudden... CRASH!*

Kaos: *is torn from his thoughts at the sudden noise* What the... *gets to his feet and slowly creeps to the door, pushing it open lightly* *peers out into the hallway and spots three shadows quickly approaching, their quiet murmuring echoing through the hallway* Eep! *closes the door quickly and runs back inside, grabbing his laptop on the way back to his bed* Alright Kaos. Calm down... It was probably nothing. Just some rowdy first years. That's all...


Kaos: Ack! Or... maybe not? Calm, Kaos. Calm. You can't think straight when you're anxious. *bites lip* Take a deep breath, and think about this rationally. No one would DARE break into the Academy... especially not with me here! *falls silent with the sound of another CRASH!* *holds breath*

????: Anything yet?

????: The feeling is getting stronger.

????: I can't believe he was hiding out right under our noses!

????: Calm, Roller. We'll find that tiny tyrant, don't worry.

Kaos: What the...

????: Yep. There's a high concentration of Darkness right around here.

????: Good. He can't be far.

Kaos: *eyes widen* Okay, Kaos. Now's the time to panic. What to do... what to do...!? *glances down at laptop* If I can dampen the Darkness in this area for a short while, it'll give me enough time to contact Shoria and- *flips open computer and is blasted with Rickroll music* *completely forgets what is going on* SCRAPE, YOU MORONIC KITTY! WHAT THE HECK! *throws laptop to the ground* FIRST YOU CHANGE MY RINGTONE, AND NOW THIS!? I SWEAR TO THE DARKNESS, SCRAPE! YOU ARE DOOMED! DOOMED I TELL YOU! DOOOOMED-

*In the middle of Kaos' rage, the door to his room was kicked open and Kaos was tackled to the ground*

Kaos: ACK! What the- GET OFF OF ME YOU IMBESIL... Roller Brawl? *looks around* Rattle Shake? What the heck are you two doing?!

????: *enters the room* We should be asking you the same thing, Kaos.

Kaos: Um... do I know you?

Timeline Convergence - Act One (Ask/Dare)Where stories live. Discover now