'Chapter' #4

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SuperSaiyanGotenks' Question/Dare: Scrape!! I TRIPLE dare you to eat a WHOLE bucket of dog food within an hour. You can only take breaks to pee. No backsies!

And, here's a question to everyone, is anyone else also scared of needles...? X^X :-:

*Once again, it was a quiet morning in the control room. Everything at the Academy was going smoothly and nothing bad was really popping up. It was going to be a sloooow day. Scrape sat in one of those chairs that could spin around, in her cat form. Using her paw to spin herself around. Beside her, sat someone that had never been there before. Also spinning around in another spinning chair*

Scrape: Would you say I'm going at least a twelve miles per hour? Please say I'm going twelve miles per hour!

Illa: Scrape. You can't be going twelve miles per hour. You're sitting in a chair.

Scrape: *stops spinning* Don't patronize me.

Illa: *stares at Scrape, an annoyed look on her face* Then stop being so patronizable.

Whisp: *bursts through the door, followed by Quinn and Lucarian* Hey Scrape! How's everything going with holding down the fort- *notices Illa* Who in Skylands is that.

Scrape *changes back into her humanoid form* *mews* That's Illa! One of my friends from my realm! I decided to drag her along today!

Lucarian: *eyes Illa questioningly* I thought we were suppose to be bringing Hunter on as a guest star today. Wolfey34 did ask us...

Illa: Well, this 'Hunter' can come on next time. Right now, I'm here.

Scrape: Besides - Wolfey wanted Hunter to come on during an ask/dare session and It's not like Illa'll be staying - No one's asked a question in days. What makes you think- *phone starts meowing* Ooh! Gotta take that! *fishes phone from pocket and stares at it intently* Well well... speak of the demon...

Quinn: What?

Scrape: *looks up from phone, smiling gleefully* We just got a request!

Illa: You make this sound so nerdy.

Whisp: You don't have to be here, you know.

Scrape: Girls! Girls. You're both pretty. NOW - Let's read this thing. Ahem. SuperSaiyanGotenks' question/dare reads as follows: "Scrape!! I TRIPLE dare you to eat a WHOLE bucket of dog food within an hour. You can only take breaks to pee. No backsies! And, here's a question to everyone, is anyone else also scared of needles...? X^X :-:" *looks up from phone* Oh gods, SSG. Why do you do this... why...

Illa: Because he's Batman.

Scrape: *eyes Illa* SSG's a girl.

Whisp: Who cares what gender it is! Scrape - It dared you. You HAVE TO do this. I'LL GO GET THE DOG FOOD!!! *laughes*

Scrape: ...nope. *makes a mad dash for the door* *trips over one of the mabu camera men and falls flat on her face*

Illa: Scrape~ Maybe it's tuna flavored dog food! *whispers to whisp* put a tuna label on the bucket. She's sure to buy it.

Whisp: *nods* Can do. *runs off to fetch the dog food*

Scrape: *perks up* You sure?

Illa: Yeah! Dogs love tuna!

Scrape: *tilts her head to the side* I'm not so sure... *glances at the door, which is now blocked by Quinn and Lucarian*

Illa: Trust me. Have I ever steered you wrong?

Timeline Convergence - Act One (Ask/Dare)Where stories live. Discover now