'Chapter' #5 ~Just Another Tag~

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*Illa was walking through the forest late at night. All alone. Suddenly, she hears a twig crack behind her on the path*

Illa: *turns around* Who's there!?

Mabu cameraman: EEP! It's just me!

Illa: *sigh* Gods of the Realms! You scared the heck out of me!

Mabu camera man: Sorry!

Illa: It's okay. But next time you're stalking me late at night, please-

Hunter: *runs up behind Illa and presses knife up against throat* You stole my spot...

Mabu cameraman: *squeals like a little pig and drops the camera, running away with his tail between his legs*

*the picture went black, but a violent struggle could be heard. Then silence. When the picture came back online, Illa was towering over Hunter. Triumphant. Hunter lay on the ground, bound in vines and completely incapacitated*

Illa: *smirks* You were saying?

Hunter: *grumbles under breath*


*Scrape was sitting in the control room. Minding her own business. Drawing on her phone. Kaos was sitting on the control panel behind Scape's chair, peering over her shoulder. Attempting to distract her for no apparent reason. He was bored and had nothing better to do*

Kaos: *poked Scrape's shoulder* Whatcha drawing?

Scrape: *not looking up from her phone* None of your beeswax.

Kaos: *pokes again* What's that?

Scrape: *still not looking up* Again. None of your beeswax.

Kaos: *pokes again* What are you-

Scrape: *shuts phone off and turns around* What do you want Kaos. Speak now, or- *unsheathes claws*

Kaos: *gulp* *glances down at phone in Scrape's other hand* Your phone's blinking.

Scrape: *looks down* Oh! *turns on phone* It's from Whisp! Ahem. It reads as follows: "Scrape! You've been tagged! You must now answer the following 13 questions, then tag EVERYONE else! Well, maybe not everyone, but a few people. 13 to be precise. Then make 13 questions for them." *looks back up at Kaos* Hey! You should do it with me! It'll be fun!

Kaos: ...you were just gonna claw my face off, now you want me to do a stupid tag thing with you?

Scrape: *shrug* Yeah...

Kaos: Seems legit. *slips off of the control panel and onto the ground beside Scrape's chair* What's the first one?

Scrape: Hmm... let me see... "If you could live in any anime, which would you live in?" I'd have to say either SAO or Fairy Tail. Not allowed to watch many others, but I love those two!

Kaos: Soul Eater, Fairy Tail or Black Rock Shooter, I think it was called.

Whisp: *suddenly appears out of nowhere* Do you mean Black Butler?

Kaos: *jumps* Ack! Gods! How do you do that!? Nevermind... oh, yeah. That one too.

Whisp: *murmurs just loud enough for Kaos to hear* Sebby-chan... squee.

Kaos: What?

Scrape: Nevermind her. Let's move on to the next one. "Do you like Creepypasta? If so, which one is your favorite?" Of course I like Creepypastas! I'd have to say my favorite is-

Timeline Convergence - Act One (Ask/Dare)Where stories live. Discover now