'Chapter' #17

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Wolfey34's Question/Dare: Ooooh I got a dare: I dare scrape to change kaos's ringtone to pink fluffy unicorns and I have a question for shoria have you ever pranked kaos that's not in this book?

*It was a calm, quiet afternoon in the Control Room. Lucarian sat in his chair at the control panel, reading a book titled 'Skylanders: Second Leaf' (Hashtag Shameless Self-Promotion!). Quinn sat on the floor a little ways off, playing with her pet fox and baby hydra. Whisp hung from one of the banisters, her legs wrapped around the bar. All was normal. It was a regular, calm, not unusual in the slightest day... wait. Where's Scrape? As this question crossed the minds of the three present Creators simultaneously, it was also answered*

Scrape: *bursts through the door violently, Kaos following close behind. Both holding their phones out in front of them* IT'S IN HERE!

Kaos: *rolls eyes* I can see that, dimwit! I have a phone!

Whisp: *climbs down from her beam on the ceiling* What are you two doing?

Scrape: *freaking out too much to answer, glancing around frantically*

Kaos: *sigh* We're playing Pokémon Go. Scrape dragged me into this stupid pastime. I had no part in this madness.

Quinn: But, can't you use your magics to make it real, Kaos? Why are you guys using your phones?

Kaos: *glare* I refuse to indulge her odd fantasies. Pokémon are fake. Figments of the imagination. I choose to leave them that way.

Scrape: *running around wildly* I CAN'T FIND IT!!!!


Scrape: *freezes* Right. *starts running around again, staring at her phone screen this time, screaming her head off*

Kaos: *facephone*

Quinn: *giggles* You two are so strange.

Scrape: *jumps onto the back of Lucarian's chair, causing it to spin around*

Lucarian: *looks up from his book* Scrape! What the heck are you doing!?

Scrape: AAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Lucarian: Uh... okay then?

Whisp: *ahem* Allow me to translate. I speak fluent 'Scrape Scream'. Scrape here is saying, "THERE'S A POKÉMON HERE AND I NEED TO FIND IT! MY LIFE DEPENDS ON IT! IF I DON'T GET THIS POKÉMON, I'LL NEVER GET ENOUGH EXP TO GET TO LEVEL TEN! AAAAAAAAAA! Also, nice book choice there, Luca-kun. It's a real page-turner!"

Lucarian: She really said all that? And screamed within a scream?


Whisp: "Yes."

Kaos: *eyes the Creators questioningly* How the heck did creatures as idiotically stupid as you morons create something as awesome as me or Shoria? Or any of the other trainees, for that matter.

Shoria: *pokes her head in the doorway* I often ask myself the same question when I'm lying awake in the middle of the night, staring at the ceiling, pondering the existence of the multiverse. *disappears out of sight*

Scrape: *stops* Well, Kaos. Technically, I didn't create you. Activision did. I just made you better!

Kaos: *sigh* That's it! Frick this shiz, I'm outta here! Have fun incarcerating that stupid little rodent of a pocket monster! *walks out, throwing his hands into the air in an exasperated manner at the same time*

Timeline Convergence - Act One (Ask/Dare)Where stories live. Discover now