'Chapter' #3

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Alonesomewolf's Question/Dare: I dare Luka to dress up as a woman and hit on Kaos xD Also a question for Kaos, Have you ever "accidentally" walked in on something involving Shoria? Be honest now~ ;)

*It was a quiet afternoon in the control room. The group sat silently, huddled around the main control panel. All staring up at the large screen set into the wall that portrayed a picture of one of the classrooms in the Skylander Academy*

Scrape: When do you think class'll start?

Quinn: *glances at her watch* Right after lunch ends, which is in about three minutes.

Lucarian: Remind me why we're watching THIS classroom in particular and not the lunchroom where everyone actually is?

Whisp: *glances at Scrape* Not everyone.

Scrape: *giggles*

Lucarian: What? What's so funny?

Scrape: *goofily smiles* I recently received word that Meyhem sent a note to one of the students and- *phone starts going off* Ooh! Gotta get this. *pulls out phone and walks away*

Lucarian: Hey! You didn't tell me what the note-

Scrape: *runs back in, frantic as heck and grinning like Jeff the Killer* Guys! Just got a new Ask/Dare thingie! And this one involves... *pauses for dramatic affect*

Whisp: Don't leave us hangin', Emi-chan! Spill the beans!

Scrape: *giggles and takes a deep breath* Lucarian!

Lucarian: *eyes widen in shock* It's the question half that involves me, right? RIGHT?!

Scrape: Nope! *bursts into laughter and falls to the floor*

Whisp: Wait a minute, let me see that request! *snatches Scrape's phone away and reads the email, bursting out into laughter immediately after reading it* OH MY ZALGO THIS'LL BE PRICELESS!

Quinn: Well, read it then! Don't leave us out of it!

Lucarian: *puts his head in his hands* I think I want to be left out of it...

Whisp: Okay, okay, I just can't help myself. So, Luca-kun has to... get this... DRESS UP LIKE A WOMAN AND HIT ON KAOS!!! THIS'LL BE HILARIOUS!

Quinn: *holds back laughter by cupping her hands over her mouth*

Lucarian: ...who in Skylands requested this.

Scrape: Alonesomewolf.

Whisp: *shoves Lucarian into a girls' closet* GET CHANGED! *closes the closet door*

Scrape: *giggling* Hehehe~ this'll be goo-ood! I'll go locate Kaos on the monitors. You guys keep an eye on Lucarian. Make sure he doesn't chicken out. *walks over to the control panel*

Whisp: Or should I call him, Luca-chan. Hehehe!

Lucarian: *yells through the door* I heard that! *comes out of the closet wearing a purple crop top and torn jeans with purple Converse shoes, with a long black wig*

Whisp: *squeals* SO. KAWAII! I need a photo! *pulls out phone and quickly takes a picture*

Lucarian: HEY!

Scrape: *comes back with a smile on her face* Okay, I've located the tiny tyrant and- oh my gods. Luca-chan. You look FABULOUS! Now, come on. Your new dream guy is waiting! *skips out of the room, beaming from ear to ear*

Lucarian: Just so long as I don't have to go in front of a crowd... please spare me. *trudges out of the control room*

Whisp: I have to say, he looks rather feminine for a guy. Even when he's not dressed in my clothes. Wait... *sigh* I'll burn them once he's done.

Timeline Convergence - Act One (Ask/Dare)Where stories live. Discover now