'Chapter' #11

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DarklingKitty123's Question/Dare: I dare Kyrel to ask Meyhem out on a date (make sure to catch footage of the actual date, Mabu camera crew.) and I have a question for the Tiny Tyrant. Have you ever watched Invader Zim? And, are you aware that Zim has stolen your voice? XD

Also, may I add that I LOVE this book and I'm totally not Scrape in disguise, no. Totally not. What in the world have you that appalling idea?! How could you even fathom such a repulsive concept!?

*It was a warm, calm morning on the third day into Spring Break. Everyone had decided that instead of being cooped up in that stuffy old control room, they would spend some time outside. Just enjoying what the day had to offer. And, they had chosen the perfect day. The entire cast was there. All enjoying themselves. Having the times of their lives. Scrape, Whisp, Lucarian and Quinn were laying in the grass, just enjoying some time off. The trolls were off in the forest, doing gog knows what to each other. Metaltaur was wandering around aimlessly, poking everything with a large branch he had found. Most of the Skylanders gang was playing in the lake. Chasing each other and just having the times of their lives. Even Kaos had left the shadows of his room and joined in the fun, mainly because Scrape had forced him and so he could mess with people. Overall, the day was going wonderfully so far. And, yes. Everyone was in their bathing suits.*

Scrape: *leaps into the air, grinning wildly. Tail swishing from side to side rapidly* YES! FINALLY!

Whisp: What? Did we get a new question/dare?

Scrape: NO! I PULLED OUT MY TOOTH! *smiles widly. A small trickle of blood is dripping out of the corner of her mouth*

Whisp: *shakes head, smiling like a mother would do to with their child* Oh, Scrape. You silly little kitty.

Scrape: *sits back down, staring at her tooth like its some kind of valuable treasure. Mesmerized* I finally got it out...

Quinn: *pats Scrape on the back* That you did.

Lucarian: Wait... you still have baby teeth?

Scrape: *beams proudly* Nope! Nixs punched me a while ago and it's been loose ever since!

Lucarian: ...you are proud of this why?

Scrape: Oh, I'm not proud for me, I'm proud of him! Nixs is as weak as heck! I was surprised when I was actually able to feel his punch, let alone have it knock my tooth loose.

Whisp: Makes sense... for you, that is.

Scrape: Hey! *giggles*

Quinn: *phone goes off* Oh! *reaches into pocket* Look at that! A new question/dare! Let's see... "I dare Kyrel to ask Meyhem out on a date (make sure to catch footage of the actual date, Mabu camera crew.) and I have a question for the Tiny Tyrant. Have you ever watched Invader Zim? And, are you aware that Zim has stolen your voice? XD

Also, may I add that I LOVE this book and I'm totally not Scrape in disguise, no. Totally not. What in the world have you that appalling idea?! How could you even fathom such a repulsive concept!?" ...from DarklingKitty123... *looks over at Scrape* ...really?

Scrape: *blushing madly* ...don't look at me! I'm not this 'DarklingKitty123'. Who is this 'DarklingKitty123' you speak of, even? She sounds kinda cool! Must be very beautiful and kind...

Whisp: *eyes Scrape skeptically, smiling* Oh, really? No clue who she is? I've been on your SkyBook page, Scrape. We all have. Everyone here's on SkyBook. And, I bet we all follow each other too.

Lucarian: Yep. It was hard to tell, but we managed to separate you from the completely mental fangirls on there. You're even crazier.

Scrape: ...I don't know whether to be offended or flattered.

Timeline Convergence - Act One (Ask/Dare)Where stories live. Discover now