'Chapter' #19: ~Introducing... EVEN MORE PEOPLES!!!~ (Part One)

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*To say this day was quiet would be an understatement. The Control Room was void of sound. Not a creak of a floorboard or a single breath to slice through the silence like Chara’s knife to a monster on the genocide route. That being said, outside was alive with glee. The sunshine sparkling. People’s overjoyed laughter and chatter cascading through the vast, endless sky. It was a perfect summer day. Everyone was outside, basking in the warmth of the light and just having a wonderful time. Well… almost everyone. Scrape lay sprawled out in the middle of the floor of the Control Room. Her eyes closed tightly and earbuds shoved into her ears; blasting P!ATD and MCR through her skull, as if to drown out the cheerful noises of the outside world. The look on her face emotionless. Without warning, the door to the Control Room opened a crack, then all the way*

Kaos: *Walks into the Control Room, looking around* Scrape? Are you in here!? SCRAAAPE- *looks down at the floor* ...Scrape?

Scrape: *doesn’t respond*

Kaos: Hello~o? Scrape? *walks up to the neko and leans over her, eyeing her questioningly* You in there?

Scrape: *shows no sign of even hearing him*

Kaos: *starting to get ticked off* Scrape. What are you doing?

Scrape: *doesn’t move a muscle*

Kaos: Alright. That’s it. *yanks earbuds out* WAKE UP!

Scrape: HEY! *glares at Kaos, then sits up* Give those back!

Kaos: What the HECK is wrong with you?! You’ve been out of it for days! And I though meeting Amber and being a step closer to your birthday would help!

Scrape: *mumbles*

Kaos: What!?

Scrape: A birthday is only a marking of how long you’ve been slowly rotting away. It only means you’re one step closer to death.

Kaos: ...Okay. Now I KNOW something is up. What’s gotten into you?!

Scrape: Nothing! *grabs earbuds back from Kaos* Just leave me alone. *shoves them back into her ears, turning her back to Kaos*

Kaos: *looks at Scrape slightly sorrowfully, then turns and walks away*


Shoria: Hey, Kaos! *waves* What took you so long?

Whisp: Yeah! The food’s getting cold!

Lucarian: It’s picnic food, I think it’s supposed to be cold.

Quinn: I thought it would actually be getting warm in this weather…

Whisp: Whatever! It’s changing temperature! Now, what did take you so long?

Kaos: *shrugs* Eh. Nothing. Just had to check up on something. *sits down beside Shoria*

Meyhem: On what, Little Brother? You doing another experiment?

Angelo: *flinches slightly at the word ‘experiment’*

Kaos: No, Mey. I’m not.

Kyrel: Then what? *takes a bite of egg salad sandwich*

Kaos: I just… wanted to see how Scrape was doing. She’s seemed kind of… distant lately. *pauses* Not that I care! I just thought for the sake of you imbeciles, I would see how she’s doing!

Meyhem: *giggles* Aww~! Little Brother really does care!

Kaos: *glares* Shut up, Mey! *sigh* Someone pass the sandwiches.

Timeline Convergence - Act One (Ask/Dare)Where stories live. Discover now