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Scrape: Hello, bonjour, hola, aloha, sup! Welcome to a very special chapter of Ask/Dare that has nothing to do with Ask/Dare!

Kaos: Then why the heck are you posting it?

Scrape: *pats Kaos on the head* Because, my little evil-minded friend, today I have reached a milestone! As of today, I have four hundred forty-seven followers!

Kaos: *😲* But... you've only been on Wattpad for 5 or so months now! How did you possibly...?!

Scrape: Silly! That's not my count for Wattpad alone! That's my count for ALL of my 'social media' sights. ALL OF THEM!

Kaos: So... why do we care exactly?

Scrape: Because! I thought that since I have reached this milestone-

Kaos: An odd one at that. Four hundred forty-seven? What kind of a follower milestone is tha-

Scrape: BECAUSE I HAVE REACHED THIS MILESTONE... I thought what better way to celebrate than a... wait for it... Face REVEAL!

Kaos: So the (quotem quote) 'fans' get to see the real you?

Scrape: PRECISELY! Now, wait one second while I go try take a decent picture... *walks off*

Kaos: *whispers* Brace yourselves, this might take some time...

And she's hideous... *snickers*

*Ten Minutes Later*

Scrape: *prances in* I'm BAACK! Miss me?

Kaos: Not in the slightest.

Scrape: *😒* Wonderful.

Kaos: *😏*

Scrape: Moving on! I finally got a good picture to show you guys! Ready? Three... Two... One... FACE REVEAL!


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Aaaand... there ya have it! Scrape, out- wait wait wait wait waaaiiit... Kaos!? What is this?

Kaos: Your selfie. Duh. Are you that thick headed?

Scrape: *😤* Not. Funny. What did you do with my real selfie!?

Kaos: *groan* I just swapped it. Here. I'll find it for you again. *grabs Scrape's phone and finds photo* There ya go.

Scrape: Thank. You. Now, let's do this for real now. Three... Two... One... FACE REVEAL!

There we go! Yep! I cut my hair

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There we go! Yep! I cut my hair. Not sure if I'll keep it like this or not, but I'm giving it a shot.

Kaos: Wow... you really are a freak. And now the whole world knows it!

Scrape: Yep- waaiit a minute... KAOS!

Kaos: *gulp* Heh heh... I think I hear Mother calling! gotta go! COMING MOTHER! *darts away*


Timeline Convergence - Act One (Ask/Dare)Where stories live. Discover now