'Chapter' #13

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 Derp-Ninja's Question/Dare: I dare Scrape to confess her undividing love for Kaos while wearing a banana costume!! No retaliating, you must do this!!!

PinksTheMonkey's Question/Dare: To Shade *deep breath* ........................................

............. *stands there for about twenty seconds, mouth gaping open. A crazed look in her eyes as she holds her hands up in the air, above her head* ...............Why can't I think of any good questions? *exits room*

*It was a quiet morning in the control room. Quiet... as in there was no one there. School had started up again, sadly, and the Portal Masters had been tasked with helping out around the Academy. Attending a few of the classes in turn.*

*On a separate note, it was a completely hectic morning at the Academy. School had finally started up again to everyone's dismay (including the Portal Masters) and nothing was going right. Already, the cafeteria had gone up in smoke from an exploding chili pot; about three of the teachers (at the least) had had random accidents that were over the top. Silly to the point of outrageously idiotic (like having Flynn's balloon land on you while taking a calm stroll in the park, which in afterwards you crawl out from underneath the basket, you find yourself face first in chompy dung). And the students had been dealing with flying books, spontaneously combusting homework, and hurricanes of chairs and desks when they enter a previously calm classroom. To make matters worse, the Portal Masters (who were supposed to be helping with this madness) were receiving most of the utter chaos being cast throughout the school. Who would have thought*

Scrape: *huddling behind a chair in the library with Lucarian, Whisp and Quinn. Trying to hide from the bombardment of random books flying off the shelves and chucking themselves at the quartet* Anyone have a clue why this is freaking happening!?

Lucarian: No clue whatsoever! *ducks an oncoming 'encyclopedia of the weird and wicked'*


Whisp: *smacks one of the flying books way with her cords* It's no use! They just keep coming! How many books are in this stinking library?!

Scrape: According to Hugo, five thousand six hundred thirty-nine!

Quinn: How does he know an exact number?

Scrape: He keeps a log! I dunno, ask him!

Quinn: I will, if we ever get out of her alive!

Scrape: *phone starts playing the nyan cat theme song* OH! I got a notification! *pulls out phone*

*All of the flying books fell to the ground. Nothing strange happened here, no. Not at all. There was no evidence that said the books had been attacking them a few seconds earlier*

Whisp: *facepalm* Of course.

Hugo: *walks into the library and immediately starts freaking out over the books strewn across the floor* What the- Who did- How did this- Why are the-

Whisp: That's our cue to leave. Come on! Scrape, you can tell us once we get out of range of Hugo's freak out!

Scrape: Gotcha!

*The four ran out of the library, past the flustered Hugo, and out into the hallway. Trying to find a place away from the chaos coursing through the Academy*


Scrape: Okay... let's see what we have here...

*The group had managed to find a moderately calm corner of the school in which to take refuge for the time being. Scrape stared down at her phone, reading over the notification silently in her head before announcing it to the others*

Scrape: We have two comments today! One from Saphire and one from PinksTheMonkey! Saphire commented, "I dare Scrape to confess her undividing love for Kaos while wearing a banana costume!! No retaliating, you must do this!!!" and PinksTheMonkey commented, "To Shade *deep breath* ........................................

............. *stands there for about twenty seconds, mouth gaping open. A crazed look in her eyes as she holds her hands up in the air, above her head* ...............Why can't I think of any good questions? *exits room*"

Lucarian: ...well then. This PinksTheMonkey character seems like they're... interesting.

Whisp: Yeah... wait. Scrape?

Scrape: Yeah?

Whisp: *smirks* Undividing love for Kaos?

Scrape: O.O *freezes. Face starts turning bright pink*

Quinn: ...Scrape likes-

Scrape: I DO NOT! They just like teasing me about that... since he's my favorite character...

Lucarian: But, still. Saphire and Illa know you better than anyone. If Saphire says-


Whisp: If that's all, why are you getting so defencive? *sneers*


Whisp: Come on. Admit it. You like him-

Scrape: I WILL ADMIT NOTHING! *runs away screaming*

Quinn: She seems to be doing that a lot lately...

Lucarian: Don't question it. She's Scrape. Nothing she does makes sense.

Whisp: Ah, we'll catch up to her soon enough. She'll probably decide to go give Shade his question, so we'll meet her there.

Lucarian: Sounds like a plan.

Quinn: Let's go!


*Scrape walked through the hallways before stopping at the sound of Shade's voice. Perfect. Quietly, she followed the noise to a broom closet and threw open the door*

Scrape: AHA! FOUND YOU- Garglox?! What are you doing here?

Shade: I found this hooded fiend sneaking around the Academy. It seems he's the one who's been causing all of these first day fails. You saw him doing it too, Scrape?

Garglox: *grumbles*

Scrape: ...no. I just heard your voice.

Shade: Ah. What did you need me for then?

Scrape: It's for Ask/Dare. I need you to read this comment and answer the question. *hands phone to Shade*

Shade: *takes phone* *reads over comment* ...

Scrape: ...so?

Shade: I... I don't know how to react to this.

Scrape: Good! *takes phone back and stuffs it in pocket* If you did, I would be extremely worried. Welp, I'll leave you two to figure things out. Ciao~!

*On that note, Scrape turned and skipped out of the broom closet. Closing the door behind her. Shade had this under control. If he needed help dealing with the troublemaker, he could just call after all. But, Scrape knew Garglox would be no problem for him. It was time to go back to what they were here to do. Help out with the first day of school*

Scrape: *turns her gaze towards the camera as she's skipping back to find the others* Well, that's all for today, folks! If you have any questions or dares for us here at the Academy, don't be afraid to comment them down below! It might take a while for the responses to be written, with life being hectic and all that, but we'll try our best! See you later! Ciao~! Oh, and, don't worry. The date between Kyrel and Meyhem will hopefully be going up soon. As soon as I can manage! Now I know that's all. This has been Scrape, signing off for the day! bOI!

Timeline Convergence - Act One (Ask/Dare)Where stories live. Discover now