'Chapter' #16

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Derp_Ninja's Question/Dare: I dare Kaos to kiss Shoria. OH AND HAVE SCRAPE FANGIRLING IN THE BATHROOM!

(Warning: I wrote this when it was like one o'clock in the morning and I was extremely tired, but couldn't get to sleep due to nonsense. Though, I do like the plotline that I came up with for the beginning. But, nonetheless, you have been warned!!!!)

*It seems every one of these 'chapters' start out with it being a calm/normal/quiet day in the Control Room or the Academy or wherever the gang was at the moment of the 'chapter'. Then all hell breaks loose once the question/dare is announced to the public. Today... was the exception*


Whisp: AFTER IT!!!!

*It had started out as a regular, calm day as these chapters usually do, but that had all changed. Not when the question/dare had been announced, but when Scrape had burst in the door, flailing her arms in the air wildly as she exclaimed that she had gotten a new app for her phone. Pokémon GO. A game that was widely spreading throughout the realms. Of course, Kaos had taken one look at this game and decided that it could be a little more... real. So, being the tyrant he was, Kaos had cast a spell, bringing the Pokémon into the real world. Now, the gang were on a quest to 'catch them all', as the game entitled them to do*

Lucarian: *dives to stop the blur of a Pokémon, but lands short. Falling flat on his face in the dirt* Oof! Stupid thing. Why are we even doing this again?

Scrape: BECAUSE! Kaos has used his powers for good, for once-

Kaos: *indignantly* HEY!

Scrape: And we need to take advantage of this gift while we can! Now, CATCH THAT POKÉMON!

Quinn: *jumps up and down slightly, smiling* Ooh! This is so exciting!

Whisp: *notices a bush rustling* Over there! Quick! *pulls out a Pokéball* GO! SHORIA! *points at bush*

Shoria: *standing off to the side. Taken aback* What.

Whisp: You heard me! Go!

Shoria: I'm not a-

Scrape: *puts a hand out in front of Shoria* Don't worry. We all know you're under level. It's okay.

Shoria: *even more dumbfounded* What.

Scrape: *smirks* Let the pro handle this one. *turns to face the bush and pulls out a Pokéball* Your foe's weak! Go get 'em, Worm! *throws the Pokéball*

*the Pokéball hit the ground a few inches away from the bush and opened, releasing a flash of light. When the light cleared, the Pokéball was back in Scrape's hand, and in its place was a small, slimey Memory Worm wriggling in place. As if it was impatient to start the battle*

Quinn: *looking questioningly at Worm* *leans over and whispers to Whisp* I've never seen that Pokémon before... have you?

Whisp: *shrug* Nope. Hey, Scrape! What the heck is that?

Scrape: Oh, that's Worm! He's not a Pokémon. He's Krona's pet Memory Worm! I just thought it'd be fun to use him like a Pocket Monster!

Lucarian: Explains a lot.

Scrape: *looks back at Worm and the bush* Now Worm, use tackle!

Kaos: *rolls eyes* Wow. And I thought you would use an attack that actually would do something. Pardon my optimism of the situation.

Shoria: *giggles* *shoves Kaos to the side playfully* Be nice, Kaos. Can't you see Scrape's having fun?

Kaos: Yes. I can. And it makes me sick to my stomach.

Timeline Convergence - Act One (Ask/Dare)Where stories live. Discover now