Action Not Words

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I swung my long legs back and forth as I sat atop of the counter at the Whiskey. Working at the Whiskey was a blessing in disguise. It could be awesome, because we could see live bands play, but it could turn into a drunken madhouse in a matter of seconds. It's always fun serving drinks to drunk idiots, trying to hit you up. Not.

But nonetheless it's a decent job, it pays well, and we can get free drinks at times. The other workers here are amazing, one of them is my long time best friend Emerson. 

Em and I met back in the first grade, we're both from New York but later moved down to LA in search of some adventure. And boy is there a lot of adventure in California. We landed jobs at the Whiskey, we didn't even have resumes, the owner gave us jobs because we are "hot and young bringing in a lot of buyers." in the words of him. Emerson is quite beautiful, with her copper hair, and brown eyes. I on the other hand, never thought of myself as pretty. But then again who really thinks of themselves as pretty? Me, I have long dark hair, almost black, and blue eyes. I'm also as white as a snowball, even here in sunny LA. I just burn, which kinda sucks because Emerson tans so easily. 

"Hannah! Off the counter and get back to work we have customers!" My boss hissed

I roll my eyes and jump off of the counter, my black Chuck Taylor's hitting the floor with a loud thud and straightened out my shirt. We have to wear uniforms here, a black polo and black pants. I'm not complaining but I find a polo shirt kind of silly since we work at a bar. 

"Start serving and stop daydreaming!" My boss's high pitched voice rang through my ears

"For fucks sake shut up." I hiss under my breath

A man in front of me chuckled, startling me. I thought nobody had heard me but apparently I was wrong. I shifted on my feet awkwardly, pieces of my dark hair falling in front of my eyes.

Emerson brushed past me with a tray of vodka shots.

"You heard the boss, move! Get to work!" Emerson jokes

"Okay whatever, and serve the 10 people here that already have drinks?" I asked

"Yes do that." Emerson laughed, setting down the tray in front of a group of guys. 

She turned around and jumped over to me and smiled. 

"I'm so tired, and I want coffee, and I want to go home and watch TV and sleep an-" I was cut off by Emerson jabbing me in the ribs

"Ow what the hell Em?" I squeaked

"Have you seen that really hot dude?" 

"What really hot dude?" I furrowed my eyebrows

"The guy with the dark shaggy hair, he's gorgeous." Emerson beamed "Oooh and it looks like he's staring at you." Emerson pointed at me

I laughed "No way, he's looking at you." 

"No, he was looking at you before I even walked near him."

"Whaat?" I asked glancing over at the man, he took a sip from his beer and looked down at the bar.

"I doubt it." I roll my eyes

The front door swung open and four more guys walked in. A tall blonde, a short blonde with frizzy hair, a fiery red head, and a head massed with dark curls.

"We've got people to serve." I walked away from Emerson and towards the bar, Emerson jogging to catch up with me.

The four guys sat down on either side of the dark haired man, I guess they know each other? I turned to Emerson who was grinning from ear to ear.

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