Sweet Child

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"She's got eyes of the bluest skies, as if they thought of rain. I'd hate to look into those eyes and see an ounce of pain."

When I woke up I had been moved from my spot on the floor. I was curled up on the couch and the guitar was leaning on the arm of the couch. I lifted my head up and glanced around the room. Izzy was sat in front of the couch with his back leaning on on the cushions. Duff sat across the couch in a chair, he had kicked his boots up onto the coffee table and was  drinking a beer. Steven sat eagerly next to Duff, laughing at something Slash had said. Axl was sitting on the floor, hunched over the coffee table. He was staring at a notepad. 

I let out a small sigh and Izzy turned to look back at me,

"Sleeping beauty has finally awakened." Izzy chuckled

I yawned and sat upright in the middle of the couch. 

"I've got it!" Axl suddenly shouted

Duff flinched from Axl's sudden outburst and I giggled. 

"Got what?" Slash asked

"The song, it's done. Let's play it now." Axl turned to look over at me

"Want to hear a brand new song that nobody has ever heard before?" He wiggled his eyebrows and wore a smirk

I nodded my head eagerly, "Yes, I would love to." I smiled

Axl jumped up and soon the others followed him, picking up their various instruments and tuning them.

Axl adjusted the microphone and nodded to the others. Slash started out by playing and the others all gradually joined in. 

Axl opened up his mouth and sang that beautiful voice of his and I instantly smiled.

Axl opened up his mouth and sang that beautiful voice of his and I instantly smiled

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She's got a smile it seems to me

Reminds me of childhood memories

Where everything

Was as fresh as the bright blue sky

Now and then when I see her face

She takes me away to that special place

And if I'd stare too long

I'd probably break down and cry

Oh, oh, oh

Sweet child o' mine

Oh, oh, oh, oh

Sweet love of mine

She's got eyes of the bluest skies

As if they thought of rain

I hate to look into those eyes

And see an ounce of pain

Her hair reminds me of a warm safe place

Where as a child I'd hide

And pray for the thunder

And the rain

To quietly pass me by

It sounds as if this could possibly be about me. Nonsense, I've barely even known them. The song must be about Erin.

I sat in awe as they finished the song, "I can't get over how amazing you guys are." 

"Thank ya, doll." Axl smiled

"You know," Axl said with a smirk, glancing over his shoulder, "Iz helped me write the beginning of the song."

"Well that's cool." I shrugged

"This song is about Erin, but when he wrote it, he was thinking of none other than..." 

Izzy slapped his hand over Axl's mouth before Axl could finish what he was saying. Axl was laughing and threw Izzy's hand off of him. 

"You're Izzy's sweet-" Steven shouted but was cut off by Axl's laughing

Izzy's cheeks were stained red as he glared at Axl and Steven, while I stared at them in confusion.

"Well anyways, did you like our song?" Duff asked, sitting next to me

"Of course I liked it. I think you guys are spectacular." I smiled

Duff's green eyes lit up and he grinned a toothy smile. "Well thanks, it means a lot." 

"No problem...what time is it?" I asked

"Ahhh, it's 2:40Am." Duff said glancing at the clock on the wall.

"Shit, I have to go." I stood up from the couch

"Woah, woah, why do you always want to leave in the early hours of the morning?" Duff asked with a laugh

I shrugged.

"Well, I'm afraid we can't let you leave." Duff said crossing his arms

"You can sleep at our apartment." Steven suggested, "It's right next door to here."

"If you want, you can sleep in my room. I'll sleep on the floor and you can sleep in my bed." Izzy said softly

I smiled at him,"Yeah, are you sure you don't mind?" 

"Nonsense, we love ya." Duff put an arm around me, "Some of us more than others." Duff winked at Izzy. 

I pretended not see that so Izzy could avoid embarrassment. I followed behind the guys as they led me to their apartment. Izzy and I were side by side.

Once we reached the apartment we all said our goodnight's and Izzy led me to his room. The apartment was messy, but Izzy's room was neat. His bed was made, books were neatly stacked on the night stand, a guitar propped up against one of the walls, and his clothes were neatly folded on top of his dresser. 

Izzy pulled a pillow and a blanket off of his bed for himself, and pulled the covers open on the bed. He patted the sheets, ushering me to get in the bed. I did, and Izzy covered me with the covers. 

"Are you sure you don't want me to sleep on the floor, I don't mind." I offered

"No don't be silly. I'm fine on the floor." Izzy said with a shy smile

"Okay." I smiled back, "Thank you."

"No problem." He murmured

He shut off the light and lay down on the floor. He shuffled around with the blankets, trying to get comfortable and then silence. 

"Goodnight Izzy." I whispered

"Goodnight Hannah." Izzy said, I could hear a smile in his voice; which made my stomach flutter

I took a deep breath in, the blankets and pillows smelled like Izzy. There was a faint smell of dead cigarettes, mint soap, and some sort of cologne. It made me feel relaxed, rolling myself in his scent. 

For a while I just lay on my back, staring up at the ceiling. I wonder if Emerson knows where i am. 

I could hear Izzy breathing, in, out, in, out. It was comforting to listen to. I looked over the edge of the bed at his still, sleeping body. He looked so peaceful, so serene. I was tempted to roll out of bed and curl up next to him. I wanted to wrap my arms tightly around him and feel his warmth next to me. I wanted to just lay next to him, it was burning a hole in me. 

But I didn't lay next to him. I didn't wrap my arms around him.  I laid back in the bed and sighed.

Maybe one day, I would finally be able to snuggle up next to him. I would wrap my arms around his body and hug him for all of eternity. Maybe he would put his arms around me too.

But for now, I lay alone.


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