Written In The Stars

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"Hey doll face, can I talk to ya for a sec?" A voice said out of nowhere, I jumped and twisted my ankle the wrong way and fell to the floor

"Shit, sorry. I heard you're kinda jumpy." The voice chuckled

I looked up and saw Tommy Lee standing over me with a small smile and inviting eyes.

"Here, I'll help ya up." Tommy said and outstretched his hand 

"What the fuck are you doing?" Izzy's voice grumbled

Tommy and I whipped around to see Izzy standing at the door bitterly. Izzy stormed over to Tommy and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, pushing him against the wall roughly.

"Woah dude-" Tommy said frantically, putting his hands up in defense

"Izzy wait, Tommy wasn't doing anything wrong." I said from the ground

I can see how Izzy thought something was wrong, or that Tommy had hurt me. I was on the ground, with Tommy towering over me with an outstretched hand, and me, having a terrified look on my face.

"He was just helping me, I twisted my ankle." I said

"Yeah dude, I startled her and she fell over. I was just coming to apologize to Han." Tommy said sheepishly, Izzy's jaw tightened.

"Yeah it's okay, Izzy." I said softly, gazing up at him with my blue eyes; knowing that will make him melt

Izzy turned back to Tommy with a suspicious look, Tommy cracked a warm smile. Izzy let go of Tommy and sighed, "Okay, sorry." 

"I just thought that you hit her." Izzy said and walked over to me, helping me back up onto my feet

"Nah." Tommy grinned, "And I don't blame you for bein' protective and shit. I'd be the same way after..." He trailed off

"I just wanted to tell her sorry for what happened with Vince. I just saw a bunch of guys beating up a fellow brother, so we all just fuckin joined in and tried to protect him." Tommy explained

"But when we found out what he did, it took all of the strength in us not to beat the shit out of him." Tommy chuckled

Izzy's grip around me loosened a bit, and I could see the relief flow through his body. 

"Well thank you, Tommy." I smiled up at him kindly

"No problem, girl. I hope you're okay-" Tommy's smile faltered

"Vince didn't hurt you too bad, did he?" Tommy asked and met my gaze

"Well-" I trailed off

"I'll be okay, is Vince alright?" I asked

"Well, yeah he's fine." Tommy said, like he was startled by my question

"Good, good." I said and smiled

Tommy smirked, and looked over at Izzy. "You've got a real gem here." 

"I know." Izzy said and shyly smiled

"You've got a real heart of gold, kid. I wouldn't want to know if the dude that beat me up was okay, I'd want him dead!" Tommy laughed

"Well hey, I've gotta get back but I'll see ya at the show!" Tommy winked and ran out the door

Izzy turned back to me, "He didn't do anything, right?" 

"Yes, I'm fine Izzy." I rolled my eyes

"I just wanna make sure." Izzy said, placing a lock of my hair behind my ear

"I've never had someone like you, and I don't ever wanna see you cry or hurt." Izzy said softly

"I love you, babydoll." Izzy said and pressed a kiss to my forehead

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