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I woke up, yet again feeling like death. I couldn't remember much from last night, or this morning. I guess I had managed to get myself ready and to the stadium with the boys on time. I was standing in the dressing room, groaning and grumbling and complaining because of my headache.

"Here, take this and stop your whining." Emerson said, tossing me a bottle of tylenol 

"Thanks." I muttered and downed two pills

"So Emily, what's it gonna take for you to stay with us?" Duff asked with a grin

"Well, I can't just pickup and leave my entire home, but I'll come whenever I can." Emily shrugged

"Absolutely! Come whenever, and if you ever change your mind you can live out here with us." I grinned

"But will you at least stay with us for the next couple of shows?" I pleaded

"Please?" Duff pouted

"I guess so." Emily said with a grin

"Aw yes!" Duff shouted and ran up to hug Emily, she seemed so small in his arms

Everyone then scattered about and continued to get ready for the show. Emerson took to the snack table like always, and stuffed her face with cookies. 

"Want any?" Emerson asked

"No, I don't feel that great." I said and went back into the dressing room

I stood in the middle of the room, Duff was messing around with his hair talking to me, but I couldn't quite hear what he was saying. Everything was getting fuzzy, and blurry. My stomach erupted with a sharp pain that flowed throughout my body. I felt like I was going numb and the room seemed to be spinning. 

"You know what I mean, Han?" Duff said

I wanted to say yes, even though I had no idea what he was talking about, but I couldn't bring myself to. I was in so much pain that I could barely move.

"Han?" Duff asked

I felt myself beginning to fall, I tried to stop myself but I couldn't. I stumbled over my feet and toppled onto the floor with a thud. I stared up at the ceiling with droopy eyelids, watching the room spin.

"Hannah!" I heard Duff shout 

"Han, can you hear me?" Duff asked, coming to my side

I wanted to nod my head, but my body wouldn't let me. I started to shut my eyes, all I wanted to do was fall into a deep sleep and forget about all of the pain.

"Hey, hey! Hannah, stay with me." Duff said lightly patting my face

I slowly opened my heavy eyelids and stared up at Duff. "Hannah, can you hear me?" He repeated again

"Shit." He murmured, and fumbled with something, seconds later I felt something cold on my forehead

"Izzy!" Duff shouted


"Izzy, Izzy, Izzy! " Duff shouted repeatedly 

"What the fuck do you wan-- woah what happened?" Izzy's voice said

"I don't know! One second she's fine, the next she's on the ground!" Duff said frantically

"Hannah, can you hear me?" Izzy asked, I managed to shake my head and tightly squeezed my eyes shut

"What's wrong, Han?" Izzy asked

"It hurts." I said in barely a whisper and pointed in the general spot where my pancreas was

"Uhh okay, someone call an ambulance!" Izzy shouted

"Han, you're gonna be alright." Duff assured me while Izzy was yelling at one of the crew members to call 911

"I don't give a fuck! Get on the fucking phone and call a damn ambulance!" Izzy screamed, I closed my eyes again

"No, no, keep your eyes open!" Duff said 

I didn't want to open my eyes again, the light was making my head hurt, but Duff kept telling me to open them, so I did.

The last thing I remember was being lifted up and then everything went pitch black.


Flying, I was flying through the bright blue sky. I passed by birds that were flapping their wings, making me smile. I watched butterflies down below, and children playing after them. 

But soon the wind picked up, and the clouds turned black. The sky rumbled and rain pelted my face. The sweet birds turned into blood sucking bats that screeched and flew all around me. I panicked and tried to fly away, but I couldn't; I was stuck. A vine had wrapped itself around my leg and pulled me down, towards a black hole. I screamed and flailed around, until it was too late. 

I shot up, and opened my eyes, dripping in sweat. It took me a few minutes for my eyesight and heavy breathing to adjust, and to figure out where I was. I was in a hospital bed. I winced as my stomach felt tender.

"Hannah?" Duff's hoarse voice said

"Hey, you're awake." He smiled, rubbing his tired eyes

"W-where am I?" I gulped

"Lay down." Duff said gently, "You're in the hospital, you had pancreatitis, and were put into emergency surgery." He smiled softly and grabbed my hand

"Where are the others?" I asked

"They went to get food, I offered to stay here with you. Izzy had to get out, he's been here all day. He was so worried, I mean, we all were. But he was a wreck." Duff explained

"Oh." Was all I said

"Han!" A voice said happily, I looked up and saw Izzy and everyone else behind him. I smiled.

"You're up, oh thank god, I was so worried." Izzy said, sitting next to the bed

"Yeah, we were all so fuckin scared. All we heard were people yellin' and the next thing we know, lil' Hannah's being rushed into an ambulance." Axl said, sitting down in a chair, and all of the others followed

"There was a moment when you stopped breathing." Izzy said shakily

"The EMT said it was probably because you were in so much pain that your little body couldn't handle it. But I was freaking out, I-I just dropped to my knees and fucking sobbed." Izzy said, Duff nodded as well

"I'm so glad you're okay." Emerson said

"Me too, you really scared us." Slash chuckled

Steven bounced up to the foot of the bed and took a seat. "Yeah, I don't know what I'd do without you here." He said happily

"Thank you, Stevie." I smiled

Emily was sat back in a chair, she smiled at me, letting me know that she was glad I was okay. It was late, and I laid back and closed my eyes.

 Izzy was in the bed next to me, fast asleep. Duff had made a sort of make shift cot with chairs so that he could lay down, Emerson and Emily did the same thing. Axl and Slash were curled up in their chairs, since they let Emily and Emerson use the left over two to lay down comfortably, while Steven was curled up at the foot of the bed. I liked being surrounded by all of them, it made me feel safe and happy that they all cared. 

I smiled to myself and let myself drift to sleep as well. 

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