Locket Love

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The next morning when I awoke, I opened my eyes to see Izzy sitting at the edge of the bed. I propped myself up on my elbows and peered over his shoulder to get a glimpse at what he seemed to be engrossed in. Izzy must've heard me, he turned around and smiled. He was holding the picture that sat atop of my nightstand. 

"Is this you?" Izzy asked quietly

I nodded and rubbed my eye. "Yeah, that's me and my sister, Aurora." 

"You two look alike." Izzy murmured

"Rory's the one people swoon over."

 And it was true. Aurora seemed to have an aura that attracted people to her. She had dark hair, and brilliant blue eyes with her irises outlined black. To me, she wasn't anything special. She had a plain face, but a loud mind. She had quite an attitude as well.

Izzy set the picture back down. 

"Why haven't you spoken about her before?" 

"Never came up in conversation, I guess. Besides, you don't talk about your family either."

"That is true, but it seems like whenever the topic comes up, you somehow seem to turn it around."

I remained silent and looked out the window instead. 

"How about breakfast? I think we've got some cereal." I announced

"Sure." Izzy reluctantly didn't ask any further questions about my family. 

I threw the blankets off and stood up. I padded over to the door and walked out. Emerson was in the kitchen, she looked over and did a double take.

"Well, look who finally decided to come out of her cave." She smirked

I smiled. It did feel nice to be out of my room. Izzy appeared from behind me, and Emerson's eyes widened.

"Oh, so you stayed here all night?" Emerson smirked

"Not like that." I mumbled

I opened a cupboard and pulled a box of fruitloops out, Izzy picked plain cheerios. We filled our bowls and went over to the table.

"I forgot to tell you," Izzy mumbled between bites "We finished recording our songs

I swallowed and a smile appeared on my face. "Wow really? Congrats." 

"And we're going on tour." Izzy threw in

I choked on my cereal and coughed hysterically. Izzy patted my back a few times until I was able to catch my breath again.

"You're going on a tour!?" I shrieked

"Yeah." Izzy chuckled

"Oh my god that is amazing!" I jumped out of the chair, knocking it over in the process, and threw my arms around Izzy.

"You know, we still need a hair and makeup artist. Emerson told me you quit school, but I was wondering if you wanted to be our stylist person. We'll pay ya." Izzy asked

I put my hands on his shoulders and stared at him.

"Are you serious? You want me to go on tour with you?" 

"Well yeah-"

"I'll do it!" I said excitedly, putting my arms back around him; to which he put his arms around me too

"Thank you." I mumbled into his hair

"You're welcome. Now, do you wanna tell me what happened?" Izzy asked

I went back to my chair and slumped down in it.

"I dunno, my mom is an idiot. She's the one that forced me into that school."

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