Eye of the Beholder

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When I woke up early in the morning, Izzy was still asleep; and I was not going downstairs alone. I silently climbed out of Izzy's bed and crawled towards the open window. I sat down in front of it and stared out onto the street below. Izzy was asleep behind me with his face smashed into a pillow. 

The blanket was halfway off of him, I reached over and tugged it fully over his body. He shuffled and mumbled something in his sleep before settling down again. I giggled quietly and turned back to look out the window. A few people were scurrying down the sidewalk. I watched a girl stumble out of an apartment with wild hair, gripping onto high heels, wearing a messy tight dress, run down the street. That made me laugh but I instantly slapped my hand over my mouth, remembering Izzy was still asleep. 

There was some shuffling behind me and I glanced over my shoulder, Izzy propped himself up on his elbows and looked at me with tired eyes. 

"Good morning." I smiled and turned around to face Izzy

"Morning." Izzy said with a hoarse voice.

Incredibly sexy

"What are you doing?" He asked with a small chuckle

"I was looking out the window." I smiled


"I was too afraid to go downstairs alone, because, y'anno I don't really know those dudes and it's more comfortable being around you." I looked up from the window and smiled shyly at Izzy

Izzy smiled back, shyly, but quickly looked down at the floor as if he was hiding his smile. 

"Well, let's go downstairs together then." Izzy said with a small smile, before looking down again

"Sounds good." I jumped up and followed Izzy down the stairs 

There was loud laughter coming from the kitchen. When we reached the bottom of the stairs the guys were all in the kitchen, Duff was cooking something, while the others sat laughing at the table. 

"Hey morning guys!" Duff waved a spatula at Izzy and I

"Morning!" I laughed

"I'm making pancakes!" Duff shouted

Izzy raised an eyebrow "You know how to make pancakes?" 

"Hey! Don't give me that look!" Duff laughed

"Hey! Don't give me that look!" Duff laughed

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"I lived with like...5 sisters!" Duff jabbed the spatula at Izzy

"I don't even know how to make pancakes." I stated

"Really? All of my sisters knew how to cook." Duff said, flipping a pancake

"Well, my mom never let me in the kitchen." I laughed softly

I watched Izzy sit down next to Slash.

"Why not?" Duff asked

"I dunno." I leaned on the counter next to Duff "She kind of hated me."

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