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"Do you believe in ghosts?" I asked

Izzy looked over at me with a puzzled expression, "Why do you ask?"

I shrugged, "Just wondering."

"Well, I guess. Do you?"

"Yeah I think they're real."

"Why, are you a ghost?" Izzy asked

"Yes, I'm here to take your soul." I grinned

"You've already go it." Iz winked

I glanced over at Axl. He had been hanging around this girl, named Stephanie for a while. She was pretty, so very pretty. And I envied her, but for some reason she didn't seem to like me very much. I would try to talk to her, but she would never hold a conversation, and gave me annoyed looks. I told Axl, but he assured me that she liked me, she was just quiet around new people. But I didn't think so, and neither did Izzy.

He could tell how cold she was to me, and I never understood why she was so cold towards me. I was always nice to her. 

I got up and went over to the snack table set up backstage and grabbed a cookie.

"Don't you think you've had enough?" 

"Huh?" I furrowed my brows and looked at Stephanie

"Just saying, don't eat too many of those." She said

"Thanks for the advice, but I think I'll stick with it." I mumbled

"You know, why are you always hanging around Duff if you're with Izzy? Are you a groupie?"

I choked on my cookie and looked up at her, "Are you seriously asking me that? Duff is one of my best friends, and anyone you ask here well knows that." 

"I mean, I don't care if you are. But I don't know why the guys would want to do anything with you though since you're so small, they'd probably break you in half." She laughed

"Hey, thats enough." Slash's voice said

"Why're you always such a bitch, huh?"

"What are you talking about?" 

"Don't play fucking stupid," Izzy's voice grumbled

"You're always so fucking rude to her, and she's done absolutely nothing, but be an angel to you. But you shoot her down and fuck her over." Izzy said

"No I don't." Stephanie crossed her arms

"Yes you do! You're a fucking priss!" Slash shouted

"How dare you! Axl!" Stephanie yelled

"Oh yeah, go call Axl to come save you from the truth!" Slash shouted even louder

"Hey what's going on here?" Axl asked

"Your girlfriend is being so fucking rude to Hannah." Slash said

"No I wasn't! They came over here while I was minding my own business, and started attacking me and saying things that aren't true." Stephanie pouted

Axl glanced over at Slash and Izzy, whose eyes were filled with anger, over to me, and then back at Stephanie.

"Just leave Steph alone, okay?" Axl finally said

"I don't believe this. You're going to believe some girl you're fuckin, and not your best friends? One who you've known since you were like 11 years old?" Slash asked angrily

"Just stay quiet." Axl said through gritted teeth

"You've gotta be kidding me, has Hannah ever lied about anything! If you don't believe me, believe her! Your girlfriend treats her like shit!" Slash said with wild eyes

"Look it's fine, I don't mind-"

"It's not fucking fine, she's just saying that because she's a nice person, unlike some people." Slash said, every word dripping with venom

"Fuck off Slash!" Axl shouted and turned on his heel

I sighed, "Axl hates me." 

"He doesn't hate you." Izzy said

"Yeah, he's just so oblivious," Slash started raising his voice

"that his girlfriend is a fuckin' asshole!" He yelled after them

"Why are you so passionate about this?" I asked

"Cuz I really hate that bitch." Slash laughed, "I can't stand her, she acts like an angel around Axl but she's so mean, so fuckin mean."

"That's how most of them are." Izzy sighed, running a hand through his hair

"It's fine though, I really don't mind I guess." 

"Still, she shouldn't act like that." Izzy remarked

I nodded and made my way over to the dressing room. I laid down on the floor where Duff was, staring up at the ceiling. 

"What're you doing?" I asked

"Just thinking. What're you up to, blue?" Duff asked

"Hiding from Stephanie and Axl." I said, making Duff laugh

"Yeah, I don't like her either." Duff said

"You know how cool it would be to have a song written about you." I stated

"I bet Izzy's written some about you." Duff replied

"Maybe." I answered "But he's never told me if he has." 

"Well, I'll write one for you. It'll be called...Hannah." Duff laughed

"So original." I giggled

"Well, your name is original. I've never met a Hannah before you. Maybe I'll name it...Hannah's Song." Duff grinned

"Thanks Duff." I laughed

"I'm serious, I will write that song for you." Duff turned and looked over at me

"Really?" I lit up

"Of course." Duff laughed

"You know any one of us would do anything for you." He grinned

"Drink toilet water?"

"Okay maybe not anything." Duff said, I closed my eyes and laughed

"I know, but you're still the greatest bunch of people I've ever met." 

A/N Wooowowow this chapter was all over the place, and I haven't updated in so long and I'm so so so sorry!!! also hans face when Stephanie is yellin at her is the one featured lmao

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