Then She Did

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R rated (mature) very R, mucho R, in this chapter if ya know what I mean. ;) 

Izzy ran a hand through his dark hair, he takes notice of me watching him and smiles at me. I quickly look away and blush. The boys and I are in one of the rooms backstage of the arena that Guns will be playing at tonight.

 Steven and I are entertaining them by singing some Beatles songs. Steven is beating on the couch with his drumsticks and I'm using Izzy's guitar, as we both sing. Steven has the biggest smile on his face, and Aurora is laughing her ass off. 

After we finish Steven and I bow, while Izzy, Slash, Duff, and Aurora applaud us. Duff "whoops" and Steven and I laugh. I tell them I'm going to grab a drink from the water fountain and hand Izzy's guitar back to him. 

I walk down the dimly lit hallway, past the room where Axl and Erin are supposedly in, "getting ready." We all know what they're really doing. I take a sip of the cold water and wipe my mouth. I turn to head back to the guys when Axl's door whips open and Erin runs out. 

"Erin get the fuck back here!" Axl yells

Erin runs past me, I look back at Axl, "Fine, fuck off! I don't need you!" 

Axl slams the door shut, I turn and run after Erin who is headed towards the exit.

"Erin! Erin wait!" I catch her sleeve and she faces me. Tears are streaming out of her blue eyes and her face is red. I can see marks on her neck. 

"What happened?" I ask quietly

"He hit me." She cries

"What? Axl hit you?"

"Yes! I'm done with him, I tried to forgive him when this happened before!" She says

"Before? This has happened before?" I ask

How can that be? Axl seems so nice and gentle around Erin, I mean, he loves her. 

"Yes before! This isn't the first time, and I can't take it anymore. He just gets so...I don't even know! All of the sudden he'll be hugging me and the next his eyes are filled with anger and he's choking me!" 

"Jesus Christ." I whisper

"I'm sorry Hannah. I have to go. Take care of Izzy, and come visit me." She says and lets go of my grasp. Before I know it she slips out the door and she's gone.

I stand alone in the hallway for a while with my head hung low.

I walk back to Izzy and sit next to him on the couch where he's strumming the guitar.

"So are you two together or not?" Duff asks curiously

"You guys have slept together, you're inseparable, you can't be apart for too long or you'll lose it." Duff says 

"Nuh uh." I say defensively 

"Yes huh." Duff smiles, he looks over at Slash. Slash nods and comes over to the couch where Izzy and I are. 

I look at Duff, confused. 

Slash lifts me up from the couch, tossing me over his shoulder and starts spinning me around; I squeal. I extend my arms out for Izzy to grab but Slash holds me farther away. Izzy struggles to get his guitar off and eventually stands up to help me.

Slash and Izzy are both tugging me back and forth.

"See! Look at you two, you're inseparable." Duff shouts

"Okay Slash, you can set her down." Duff smirks 

Slash sets me down and I walk over to Izzy. Duff raises an eyebrow.

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